
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'MJOLNIR, Chapter Two'

7:35 am | October 19, 2003
the whole idea of this story is that Dr. Hasley has been captured by unknown rebel forces, who plan on using her knowledge of the MJOLNIR armor to create their own armor to use against the UNSC. This ONI agent is trying to track down Hasley's captors and resucing the doctor herself. I'm glad you like my stories, that really helps.

okay guys, i'm sorry about the guns, but the desert eagle and the M4A1 are like my favorite guns when i play counter-strike so i put them in this story...i enjoy things that i like into my story (example, the black clothing worn by Special Field Agent Nemesis)
Sergeant B
8:04 pm | October 18, 2003
But still Nemesis, there would be NO M4A1 in this time. You should of called it the M4A4 or something. Actually, the M4A1 is close to extinction. People prefer the M4 Carbine. M16 also.
7:39 pm | October 18, 2003
Okay story except for that night club.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
6:48 pm | October 18, 2003
Well they are not in museums now but in 5 centuries im pretty sure they'll collecting dust in a museum or a fat gun collectors room.
nemisis fan
5:00 pm | October 18, 2003
oh and also im curios to know if youre really good at halo the game. and also how old are you?
nemisis fan
4:57 pm | October 18, 2003
hey nemisis im a big fan dude. i love all of your stories i print them out a read them. keep on writing dude you're the best writer here. oh and are you still writing the battle of norah? anyways, can you tell me what this series is about cuz it seems awesome. i just want to know so i can print it out. thanks
Javier fernandez-Vina
11:18 am | October 18, 2003
I like the desert eagle but to get it he'd have to steal it from a museum, then come up with enough rounds, and pray it still fires.If i were him i'd sell it and buy a bunch of new guns, maybe even a pelican.
read my fic, angels war please i want comments.
1:55 am | October 18, 2003
okay, a bunch of questions that need answering.

First of all, thanks FOrunnER, i'll remember that the dollar signs are you

Second, Walker, you are right, i'm wrong. I actually realized the mistake while writing the first chapter to this story...however, fixing it seems quite impossible, so i'll have to stick with that i have now...sorry

Thirdly, Sergeant B, i forgot to mention in this chapter (I forget a lot of things) that Special Field Agent Colin "Nemesis" Thompson likes the style of the weapons he uses. Because the style of the COLT M4A1 interests him, he had it modified so that it would fire 7.62 armor-piercing rounds, the same rounds fired by the MA5B assault rifle...no offense, but i clearly explained the modified part in this chapter, just not how Colin prefers style with his weapons.

Fourthyl, Javier, to be honest, i'm not too familiar with handguns, and because i play a lot of Max Payne, i merely assumed Desert Eagles were commonly found out on the streets and not in museums.

I'm sorry everyone for all these mix ups...please continue to read and enjoy my story...
Sergeant B
9:07 pm | October 17, 2003
Um nemeses, the M4AI would be outta commission already...
8:22 pm | October 17, 2003
i havent got the chance to read it yet, but i finshed reading your survival series and it was really good, really really good
8:11 pm | October 17, 2003
Another awesome one, Nemesis. This is getting more and more interesting. Just a note--question, actually: you do know that "senior" means "older", right? So Robert Watts--the original one--would be Robert Watts Senior, and his son would be Robert Watts Junior. You probably do and I read the story wrong, but that's how it seemed to me. And there were quite a lot of old guns... imagine someone pulling a wheelock pistol on you on the street. It's about the same as someone drawing a Desert Eagle then. Anywho, it was still great. 9.5/10.

Semper Fi

7:23 pm | October 17, 2003
Sorry dude, that was me. My computer has a wierd thing where I cant see the new stuff people have posted unless I post something, then all these reviews come up. Thats why my review section has a bunch a dollars, sorry
6:50 pm | October 17, 2003
yeah pooman, this is my new display name, i'm Agent Shade, but i like Nemesis better, enjoy my story?
6:43 pm | October 17, 2003
is this agent shade?
5:44 pm | October 17, 2003
thanks, Mainevent, would you stop with the $'s lol
5:42 pm | October 17, 2003
man, anymore stuff about the strip club and it would like a.....a......nasty story.

it's pretty well written. sounds like a tom clancy novel almost.
1:10 pm | October 17, 2003
wow 1st comment great story i grade the fan fiction pretty hard and other than one or two missed words (we all have them) i'd give you a 9/10
12:54 pm | October 17, 2003
That was GREAT! I could definatly see it being a movie, 9/10
12:54 pm | October 17, 2003
