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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Jaffa Part 3'

9:18 pm | October 23, 2003
He was a good footsoldier, and a war hero in the Great War (Iron Cross 2nd Class, I beleive). That doesn't make him a tactical genius. If he was he wouldn't have attacked the USSR in the first place.
Neal Stack
6:27 pm | October 20, 2003
hitler was acctuly a tactical genious there was just the small problem of america AND russia wanting to fuck him up
12:14 am | October 20, 2003
You know, if we'd killed Hitler before he invaded Russia, say by a commando assassination team like the Dirty Dozen, Germany and the Axis powers probably would have won the War.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
10:26 pm | October 19, 2003
Hitler tried to brainwash the nation, and you can't do that.He began replacing good experienced generals with young ones who shared his ideals.
And when he survived that bomb, he said it was his destiny.
He was too cocky.
9:34 pm | October 19, 2003
That was part of the reason Rommel tried to fry him.
7:32 pm | October 19, 2003
Hitler was an idiot as far as his planning went. In the end he tried to bypass completely his Generals, and that lost the war for them. At least it lost it a lot faster than it could have.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
2:00 am | October 19, 2003
So theres more than one prophet, that's like a lotta ugly ass, bitchy hitlers.
12:18 am | October 19, 2003
The Covenant are made of seven races; they believe whatever the Prophets tell them to. The Prophets tell them to skin humans and wear the result for Halloween; they'll jump up and yell 'yes sir!'.

Also, The Fall of Reach has all you want to know about the MC's past; The Flood has the game in pages, along with some other items of interest.

On a completely unrelated note, although Hitler was evil, you can't say he was stupid. The Covenant may be gullible, but they do know what they are doing.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
9:32 pm | October 18, 2003
Ah but the convenant aren't just martyrs and well determined.They slauther civilians, don't accept surrender and beleive they are the best race.
If that's not like a nazi then waht is.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
9:32 pm | October 18, 2003
And i'd like a comment on my fic.
8:45 pm | October 18, 2003
You don't have to be a Nazi to be determined and have the spirit of martyrdom in you. An excellent case: German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, an anti-Nazi and the best commander Hitler had, up until the point he was involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler and took his own life. Even such an evil idiot as Hitler respected him enough to give him a burial with full military honors, march his casket through Berlin with an honor guard, and raise a statue of him in the city. How is this related to your conversation? It isn't; I just felt like saying it.

Semper Fi

Javier Fernandez-Vina
6:52 pm | October 18, 2003
Dude you haven't read the books!You don't know what you're missing.Like i told awsomedudeman "The fall of Reach is $6.99 wherever books are sold and The Flood is the same price.
Just think of the convenant as really really really bad nazis, and you'll be fine.
Neal Stack
6:05 pm | October 18, 2003
well i havent read the halo books so my knowledge is limited to that of the game,on a similar not i still think halo should be platform only.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
1:42 pm | October 18, 2003
The story is really good the only problem is that the convenant are way more agressive that you make them seem.They are our executioners.They would rather die tell a human were weapons are.
Remember their hate toward us when you write.
Neal Stack
11:54 am | October 18, 2003
Hawk why do you hate it? tell me and ill see if its possible to improve
11:38 am | October 18, 2003
It's different . . .

meh, 5/10
Lord Revan
11:18 am | October 18, 2003
I love Stargate SG-1. Awesome show.
8:26 am | October 18, 2003
I rated it without thinking. I'm gonna change my rating to a 7/10.
8:09 am | October 18, 2003
'Elite' is always capitalized: It's the name of a race.

I doubt the Jackal would thank the little gas-sucker for telling him where his weapons were.

I don't think the Jackals can hold 'pistols'; one hand for the shield and the other for the weapon.

I also found it a bit odd when the Jackal started speaking English with a curt American accent. I always thought the Jackals were incappable of speaking English, even with the aid of Voice Translaters. I always understood that their hatred for Humans and disgust for the little rodents would make them want to spit on anything Human: Including the language. In the book it said that someone had seen a Jackal fight hand-to-hand, dispite the fact that a full assault rifle was less than a meter away. The religion isn't just something you agree on; they brainwash you until it is something so natural it's like taking a breath. The hatred for humans is burned into the lower ranks of the Covenant, they just believe it's the right thing to do.

. . . Damn that turned out long.

Sorry I didn't list my reasons earlier; pure laziness I guess.

I also don't hate the story, I thought it was pretty cool. I still haven't published one of my own.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
10:42 pm | October 17, 2003
Heres some ideas:They could do tests on him, Question him, use him for bait, mess with his mind, keep him prisoner or just flat out kill him.
Neal Stack
8:42 pm | October 17, 2003
acctuly I honestly dont know what im going to have happen to jackson now maybe I wont turn the story to him until part 5. but im sure ill get something, it took me like a day to decide what to do with the marines at the end of part two and I think the heartless killing worked well
Neal Stack
8:42 pm | October 17, 2003
acctuly I honestly dont know what im going to have happen to jackson now maybe I wont turn the story to him until part 5. but im sure ill get something, it took me like a day to decide what to do with the marines at the end of part two and I think the heartless killing worked well
Javier Fernandez-Vina
7:55 pm | October 17, 2003
And read my story, it the one called Angels war.
Javier Fernandez-vina
1:01 pm | October 17, 2003
Oh shit, is het gonna get bisected.Its begining to sound like cabinet of curiosities.Good turn.
