
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Jaffa Part 1'

Neal Stack
11:13 am | October 15, 2003
I never meant to come off as hostile so sorry if i did
Neal Stack
11:13 am | October 15, 2003
I never meant to be hostile sorry if I was
1:30 am | October 15, 2003
I consider it C-worthy crap. Answer your question?

And I think I know what Mainevent is talking about, being doomed to finish it and all... I've gotta finish COTGB before I can start the other series I wrote the first three pages on, then I have to finish that one before I can do the one I've written the first few chapters of in my head. It is the torment of the focused and involved writer. Plus I have to finish my 437 page long book, get five more books, read them, or at least skim them for information, make 20 comparisons to informative citations from my original book, sort them into subcatagories and then turn them in by Friday... God be with me. I don't know how I'm gonna survive.

Semper Fi

12:54 am | October 15, 2003
I usually don't give ratings, so I won't here.

I never looked at anyone else's fics here, I just posted what I had. Luckily, most people liked it, so I kept going.

I hope my fics can keep up their appeal, and if not, I guess I'll just fade into the background.

***NOT A PROMO, Just ranting***

One thing you really don't want to do, which I have found myself doing (wierd huh), is making more than one series at a time. Luckily I have been able to get a clear direction in each of them, but really, don't start a series, or story that matter if you have no idea where it's going.

(I also don't ever write any plot line down, all of my stories are 100% grudged out as I write, the irony is there once again.)

The reason I did it, was because I just felt a good idea one day, and needed to start it. Now I'm doomed to have to finish it.

And remember, the lone story is always your friend. Characters that don't last, or even die in the story, can be a simple and effective way to do it.

Crawl before you walk, walk before you run. Start out small if you have to, and then work up to a series.

This applies to everyone, not just you or me. Hope it made sense.

"What I've done here is nothing short of evil, but what would have happened had I not done what I did would have been nothing short of tragic."

12:30 am | October 15, 2003
Got a question if it sucks so bad and is "crap" why would u give it a "C" 7... whatever...
If it is truly "crap" dish out something worth a "crap" which will give this guy something to work up from, even stories people say are "crap" get 8.0/10....
9:30 pm | October 14, 2003
Ya newbies are always so defensive... I mean, I might be wrong but I sensed a very hostile attitude running here... Let Dispraiser talk and it'll help you in the long run, no matter how annoying and cocky it will seem now. Listen to those that have experience. That's what gets you through. It's not to late to change your first impression. Go back and look at some popular authors *cough*Wado and Agent Shade*cough* and see what made their fics so appealing. I did that before I made my first post, hanging around, seeing what sells, and generally being an annoying little schmuck--with many aliases, of course--to see how people responded to criticism. Do that now... not the schmuck part, because people hate schmucks. But see what sells, and you will sell. Good luck to you. And check out my writing, everybody.

Semper Fi


PS: This story pretty much was crap. I'm not going to hide it here, as I find myself doing lately... no names, and not in large amounts, but not giving ratings that are deserved and not giving ratings period isn't helping anybody. This one gets a 7.25/10, which gives you a lot of room for improvement.
Neal Stack
8:17 pm | October 14, 2003
So by not commenting its impling you didnt hate it Dispraiser? But then again im not going for a Emmy here, just using some free time to write a story.
6:34 pm | October 14, 2003
I almost never comment on the actual plot of a story unless it really sucks or does something right. I comment on characters and grammar often, though. Really, this is a normal HBO calibur fanfic, but the fanfics here are, for the most part, not true fanfics. Really, they are just a little collection of half formed ideas, so, beating them shows competence. Spelling stuff wrong does not. Proofread.
1:08 pm | October 14, 2003
It's a good story,though short.It does have references to stargate sg-1 but it doesn't matter because the names don't play a important part in the story.
Neal Stack
11:49 am | October 14, 2003
"A rose by any other name still smells as sweet" Shakespear. The character attitudes are not based on those of whom I took them, besides in my story Jaffa is a ship not a self-aware being. The show your thinking of is Stargate and so what I miss one c i just want to know if you like the story
2:44 am | October 13, 2003
Odd... I saw a show once that has a lot of the same names as your fanfic. There were these aliens called the Jaffa, and they met human resistance. Two of the fighters were a Major and a Jackson... Hmmmm...

Beyond that, PROOFREAD. "Struk"
