
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Empty :: Chapter 2'

Dave Luck
8:35 pm | July 8, 2004
Interesting, Interesting.

You've got potential.
3:05 am | July 6, 2004
It doesn't have to be stuck at the Chief and the old gang, putting new characters in that work is difficult to do well and very enjoyable most of the time. It's easy to write about Marines and Spartans shooting up covenant, but to have a cool idea behind it that noone else has done...that has to break a few conventions.
1:41 am | July 5, 2004
why is she so important, and how can one human woman save mankind, i mean its good story great path of ideas, and a elaborate plot. But how or why her?

what happened to our great hero or heroes, the ODST, or the Marines, or even The Master Chief and his surving spartans....what happened??

3:20 pm | July 4, 2004
Good plot, you do a good job on focussing on the story and not the numbers like force size, weapons caliber, etc.

One thing, though. The shot gun round. It's depleted uranium, not the other way around. And also, I don't think any shot gun would be practical with a DU round. It'd be extremely heavy and the kickback from a sufficient powder charge would probably take the guy's arm right off. Makes for a wicked antipersonnel weapon when mounted, though. Shotguns in Halo probably use either lead or steel buckshot. If the guy was firing slugs, it'd probably be lead.

Just some technical stuff to keep in mind. 9/10
7:19 am | July 4, 2004
OK, I realize it's a bit confusing right now but I PROMISE it will all start to make more sense soon. Just wanna build a little suspense and character. Thanks for the encouragement and stay tuned.
12:59 am | July 4, 2004
lots of questions need to be answered inyour next post.

4:26 pm | July 3, 2004
oooh i think i'm gonna like this story. pretty good so far.
12:05 am | July 3, 2004
Very interesting story, and unusual, since it is from the POV of a civilian (and a female at that). I look forward to the next update--keep them coming!
9:05 pm | July 1, 2004
Thanks, i think. ;) Trying to setup a little backstory first. The action will definitely be there soon enough.
8:51 pm | July 1, 2004
a good story, but kinda confusing. still good though.
