
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Life As A Marine'

10:15 pm | May 26, 2004
Alright, the code, it allows you to make words bold, italic, indent, ect. Theres not much more to it, if you want a word to be bold then simply put a [b] before it, and a [/b] after it. For italic, samething but with an i, so it would be like this; [i]hey[/i]. Thats about it, there are pleanty of people on the fan fic that can give you a more clear definition, I suggest Awacar or Cold.
white grunt
5:56 pm | May 25, 2004
it good...r u going to write another one?
1:10 am | May 25, 2004
wtf happened. Since i left, all us gangstas hatin' on eachotha 'n messin' wit one another. why the fuck don't yall jes like, handle in a game of halo!
7:10 am | May 24, 2004
sorry guys! I cant write it on there it wont let me. those last 3 comments were mess ups. Can someone please help me.
7:10 am | May 24, 2004
Choose your series
Defending America, by romac1991
7:10 am | May 24, 2004
Choose your series
Defending America, by romac1991
7:10 am | May 24, 2004
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


7:08 am | May 24, 2004
Hey guys,

I have been trying to submit my second story for my series for about 2 months.Everytime I try I come up with this.

Choose your series
Defending America, by romac1991
1:10 am | May 24, 2004
For starters, I have not, nor do I intend to ever portray a gangster on this post or any others. That's not my way.
teemus, I have no freakin clue what your post said or it might have been helpful. I hear alot about this code thing, but I've yet to get a straight forward definition of it. I just write in my spare time and when I'm bored so I'm usually half brain-dead when I do, (like now).
I'm only 17 now but on my 18th birthday I'm going into the Army Air Force. AH-1 Cobras kick ass.
10:12 pm | May 23, 2004
*bow* why thank you......

and to NK about the IP tracing: "ask me no questions and ill tell you no lies"
8:18 pm | May 23, 2004
Well, I read the posts, and they gave me a laugh or two, also, there were a few grammar things in their, if your wondering how ot use the code, then here it is;

Making a text/part of a text bold:
Place a [b] before the text that you want to be bold and a [/b] after it. ex:
"HBO is [b]the best[/b] Halo community!"

Write a text/part of a text in italics:
Simply replace the b:s for bold into i for italics. ex:
"[i]Why is HBO the best Halo community?[/i]" I thought while writing this post.

To make a horizontal rule:
Just place a [hr] on a line of its own. If you aren't in a really big need for it, don't use extra spacing, appropriate spacing is made automaticly.

Making a paragraph indent:
Place an [indent] before the new paragraph or speaker.
Observate! [b]Don't[/b] hit return after the [indent] mark, if you do, the indent will be invisible at the line [b]above[/b] the paragraph/speaker.

At last, carefully check your previewed submission, if you've made any mistakes when writign the code, the code itself wil be visible, if you've done it right, only the effects of it will be seen.
8:17 pm | May 23, 2004
It was alright, confusing at times, you should use the code, it would really help out.
Nick Kang
11:51 am | May 22, 2004
Actually I'm proably gonna do some MP work first, then join the Marines.

11:26 am | May 22, 2004
Oh, I never read the middle ones... He confessed after all...
11:22 am | May 22, 2004
Oh, and a nice start, but here are somethings you can do:
-the code(some people will SCREAM this at you)
-work on the smoothness, the readability of your story. There are some moments in there where my reading-senses got totally clogged up, thanks to the choppy sentences and illogical placing of commas, paragraph formations and a general lack of cohesiveness (wait, I need to work on that, too.)
-nice beginnings, though. However, don't rely on general "screaming platoons of marines battling covies" often. Instead, make sure that there are general underlying themes of conflict, hate, love, etc etc.
-think of your story as a one, giant story. This is what Theodore Sturgeon did. And guess what? One of the greatest SF writers to live.
Tha' Real Gangsta
11:17 am | May 22, 2004
This is Severian...
look at this, and see what I can do:
"Yo fizzle da nizzle nids ta shut tha fuck UP, homes!"
11:13 am | May 22, 2004
Wow, this is going on and on and on and on and on...
This 'gangster' thing needs to stop. I mean, you know someone is doing this with just a different name. I wouldn't be surprised if it was MJONIRwearer himself typing as the Gangstapimpcocksucker thingy to garner attention.
Gold Elite
10:30 am | May 22, 2004
When I got out of high school, I was going to become a medic.

PS Your Dead
3:50 am | May 22, 2004
I have to say this was the funniest string of posts ever. Thanks guys.
1:28 am | May 22, 2004
I think you meant Corps SOS...or do you want me to call the Marines Cops from now on?
9:39 pm | May 21, 2004
NKs joinin the Cops
congrats man
i joined too
i leave for boot in July
9:34 pm | May 21, 2004
Whoops! didn't read 'em all. sorry Jay. My bad.
9:27 pm | May 21, 2004
I've got no problems with people correcting my grammer. But at least use some before you try to tell me what to do. This whole GPD thing is getting WAY out of hand. Gangsta, Why do you think you've got to get all pissed at everyone who trys to make you see what you're doing. I'm not sure why you do that, but c'mon, get that stick out of your ass and get real.
Gold Elite
7:48 pm | May 21, 2004
Good story. Some grammer problems were present. You also need to indent.
Gold Elite
7:26 pm | May 21, 2004
I figured out GPD and Chi-Town were one in the same at once. Notice the time at what Chi-Town said, then what GPD wrote after it. There is no time lapse in between.

Gangsta Pimp Daddy
8:48 AM | May 21, 2004
Yea, looks like we got a real homie in da house. Yo dawg, Chit Town, you the best. Together, we represent Chi-town REPRESENT! PEACE!

The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
Chi-town Representing
8:48 AM | May 21, 2004
Im wit GPD, he a real thug, I just like him we both represent Chi-town. Dont you mess with my boy, I jack you up.


See? Both at 8:48 AM \\ May 21, 2004. I'm smart! Okay, I'm going to read the story now, and finally.

PS Your Dead
Nick Kang
12:27 pm | May 21, 2004
How do you trace an IP trail?

Nick Kang
11:58 am | May 21, 2004
Wurdizzle, homieizzle. I agreeizzle wit' Wileizzle toizzle get Gangstaizzle Pimpizzle Daddyizzle out o' hereizzle.

Wow, my mouth feels numbizzle.

11:29 am | May 21, 2004
Wowizzle...thatizzle was funizzle
11:29 am | May 21, 2004
*pukes*.......get out Gangsta pimp, ya hurrd?
11:24 am | May 21, 2004
Yo yo yo, coyotizzle is in the hizzouse! Whereizzle is that wankizzle panzizzle gangsta pimp byatchizzle, cauzizzle im about to bustizzle a capizzle, fo shizzle! Yo, yo, ya dig my nizzles? Me an my homie gizzles are goanna blowzizzle yo azzizle up to the moonizzle. Y, gangsta love!! peacizzle!
11:00 am | May 21, 2004
Buzzizle I thoughtizzle thizzle was sttreet talkizzle!
Jay Sugay(Gangsta Pimp Daddy &
10:39 am | May 21, 2004
Alright, you guys caught me! I was trying to experiment how many people would really think that I was from the “hhod” and I guess I was wrong about people being that gullible. So you wont be seeing anymore of Gangsta Pimp Daddy or Chit-town Representing anymore. I apologize if I caused you any trouble. Thank you all and goodbye!
10:06 am | May 21, 2004
High five, Wiley! Good work.
Nick Kang
9:52 am | May 21, 2004
Woah, GPD, you just got OWNED by Wiley.
Oh, and uh, I aint some scared lil' whie boy. The second I reach 18, I'm goin' into the Corps.

9:41 am | May 21, 2004
traced ip trail chitown and gpd are same person
9:39 am | May 21, 2004
Thanks Gangsta or whatever you want to call yourslef in short, you just made my humiliation of you succeed... aahh, the sweetness of success...

Your life? SOOO SOO SOOO SAAADD, but know what, I don't believe a shit of the things you've written, loser, and if I did, it wouldn't matter anyway! You having a hard, faked background doesn't make me like you being an ass.

For that background shit, people who are what they say they are don't need to send messages to everyone bragging about their (faked) life, and you... well, thats a chapter of its own. If you so would write your faked history with large red characters on Times Square, that doesn't make it real.

How dare I insult you?? Simple, I don't think you're a person to back up what you say or write.

Uhhm, what did you say more? Oh, yeah, some shit about Chicago. I don't think the city like you telling us big fat lies about it. But I've heard something about people in the ghetto, losers they are, can't write properly, makes bad things look somuch worse if it happened to them, etc. That fits with you quite well too, GPD, and if what you say is true, that all ppl there are like you, well, SAD! Big time!

I don't give a fucking shit about the ghetto of Chicago, past, present or future. We have a fanfic place here, and I judge you for your actions here. Any real life events don't make it OK to come here and be an ass towards strangers. Don't like it? Well, get home and whine to your pals, or GET OUT! There is plenty of other places to be an ass in, and plenty of other people to be an ass to.

Shut up, learn or LEAVE! I don't think you have the mental capacity for the first two, and then there remains one option, the last, reading LEAVE if you missed it the first time.
Chi-town Representing
7:48 am | May 21, 2004
Im wit GPD, he a real thug, I just like him we both represent Chi-town. Dont you mess with my boy, I jack you up.

Gangsta Pimp Daddy
7:48 am | May 21, 2004
Yea, looks like we got a real homie in da house. Yo dawg, Chit Town, you the best. Together, we represent Chi-town REPRESENT! PEACE!

The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
Gangsta Pimp Daddy
6:14 am | May 21, 2004
Screw all you fizzles. I will kickizzle your assizzle and stickizzle my fottizzle so far upizzle itizzle, you would wishizzle, you still had your momizzles titizzles to suckizzle on ma nizzle.

Ey yo, this got personal. That foo Awacar saying I aint what I say I am. Bitch pleez. I grew up in the streets of Chicago. Shooting, rapings, muggins, happen everyday of my life. How dare you insult me, my culture, or way of speaking. Cuz thats how homies talk up in herre. And you.. Your probaly just some scared up lil white boy who had his mommy help him when he was hungry. Let me tell you somethin, my mom died when i wuz a boy, and my faget dad walked out when I was 6. You probaly live in some nice quiet town where every fag knows everone else. How dare you insult me, or where I come from. If you ever brin that shit up in Chicago, you get your ass kiccked by a 3 year old, cuz dey all like me, from the Ghetto.
PEACE! And FUCK you AWACAR and everyother person here.
The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
2:06 am | May 21, 2004
Izzles...brain...hurting.....make it stop!
CoLd BlooDed
1:35 am | May 21, 2004
Gangsta, seriously. Get a hint.
9:25 pm | May 20, 2004
I enjoyed the story quite a bit, but Gangsta Pimp Daddy is starting to PISS ME OFF!!! Quit clogging up the message board and just shut up if you don't have anything interesting to say. If a person askes a question of you, you don't need to make them your mortal enemy. And please start speaking proper English, if you can't talk street... DON'T!
8:24 pm | May 20, 2004
Ey yo! Where is that little fag gangsta pimp sumthing? Mofo is pissing me of fo real! I otta woop his candy ass, comin up in herre...

All yall gangsta pimp dadies out thur need to take sum gramma classes fo sho! All you haters need to stop like that lil pimp gangsta pimp dadi, or whatever his fizzle name is.

"Gangsta OUT" Yuippiee!! *Dances*

Shut the fuck up please. I could barely stand reading what I just wrote. If you're one tenth as cool as your writing style is failing to be, show it to me. Don't brag, don't to anything except giving me proof for the existance of your so called coolness.

Don't do that, continue as you have done these days, and prepare for flamed gangsta pimp dadi ass. And no, that's not a threat, that's a fact.
Nick Kang
6:29 pm | May 20, 2004
Let me translate this for you, GPD.

Cleen up yo attitude aight? If you don't, me n' my homies will be forced to open a can of whoop aszzle on yo, ya heard? Good, now I s'gest you just keep yo big mouth shout, okay, dizzle?

2:06 pm | May 20, 2004
It was novel at first, but now its just annoying.
MJOLNIR wearer
11:24 am | May 20, 2004
hey Gangsta Pimp Daddy, i haven't read any of your stories but i plan to. by the way, who the fuck to do you think you are to tell me i need to work on my grammer. yo. geez. Thanks to everybody else though.
Gangsta Pimp Daddy
10:51 am | May 20, 2004
Ey yo! Where is that little fag Nick Kang! Mofo be trying to diss me.Oh hizzle NO! How dare you little computer nerd. You dont play the playa! Da reason dat your stupid ass couldnt find my tight stories fo real, is dat I wrote dem as a different name. BIATCH! I otta woop yo candy ass. Comin up in herre talking bout he gon diss me, NEGRO PLEEZ!
Now you and that fag Mjonliner whateva the hell is his name are both my enemys. PEACE! Gangsta OUT

The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
Nick Kang
10:35 am | May 20, 2004
Hey Gangsta, I just did a search under your name, and it says you haven't ever even written a story, so stfu.

Gangsta Pimp Daddy
5:11 am | May 20, 2004
Gangsta Pimp Daddy in the HIZZLE! All you haters needs to stop like that little punk wanksta Mjolinir Wearer, or whatever the fizzle his name is. You cant run from the pimpin bizzle. Now gets outa my way. I done told you. Now Mjolinir Wearer, u just made yo dumb self an arch enemy fo shizzle. PEACE!
The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
The Collector
2:27 am | May 20, 2004
Nick Kang
12:50 am | May 20, 2004
MJOLNIR, if you'r paranoid about people telling you to work on your grammar, YOU WILL NOT BE LIKED HERE.

9:27 pm | May 19, 2004
too funny

keep writin MJOLNIR
read more ppls stuff
and the books a couple times
dont give up
7:48 pm | May 19, 2004
That deserves a "what the fuck?"
11:45 am | May 19, 2004

I love some of the words he comes up with.
Gangsta Pimp Daddy
10:12 am | May 19, 2004
Yo yo! Gangsta Pimp Daddy in da hizzle fa shizzle ma nizzle. Fo Real Playas. Yo story was stanky as a mug. Ya Heard! Yo stories lack 1 thang playa, action fo real. My stories are of the HIZZLE my nizzle. Yo story was all jacked up, mine are as Ghetto as Pac’ himself. Yea Pac’ was tight. All you Pac’ haters out there needs to stop hating. Anywayz, yo story was bout as exciting as a Biggie Concert homie. Fo sho ya know. When you grow up in chicago ya know chi-tow, on the west side, you get good at everythang like writing stizzles nizzles. All yall Wankstas out thur need to take sum gramma classes fo sho. Peace!
Yo man,

The Genuine,

The Authentic,

The Ghetto,



*Gangsta Pimp Daddy*
