
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Judgement Day Chapter 2'

5:35 pm | March 27, 2004
It was good. The only problems I could find were the randomly capitalized letters in the middle of sentences, but that still did not really take away from the storyline. You did however, make a simple mistake that most new authors make. The formatting, which MC's Cousin mentioned is one of the hardest things for new authors to figure out. My first two stories were the same way, so don't worry. Learn to use the pseudocode and your stories will be much more attractive to the eye. Here's how you do indents and stuff on the database editor:

Here's what's availble to you, formatting-wise:

Italics: To italicize a block of text, place a [i] before it and a [/i] after it.

Bold: To make text bold, place a [b] before it and a [/b] after it.

Paragraph Indent: To indent a paragraph, simply place a [indent] at the start of it. (Do NOT hit return after this code; if you do, the indent will be invisible on the line ABOVE the paragraph.)

Horizontal Rule: To place a horizontal rule in your story, simply place a [hr] on a line by itself in the location you'd like the rule to appear.

Skill comes with experience! The more you write, the better you will become! Good job, and keep up the writing.
Mibu Wolf
4:54 pm | March 27, 2004
Every time I try to indent it dosn't work, so don't tell me what to do!
4:25 pm | March 26, 2004
Why are so many words capitalized?


First to rise, last to fall
Helljumpers do it all
Feet first into Hell
MC's Cousin
3:06 pm | March 26, 2004
Well, you really need to read those little tid bits BEFORE submitting your FF. Why? you may ask. Well, you have many separated paragraphs, making it hard to put the story in place within one's head. We like to call the solution for that, indentations. Put one before every paragraph and you can actually have a solid column of text without hurting the eyes.
Pretty good narrative style, but keep working.
I'm too tired to comment anymore.

Signing Off

