
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:The Fate of Earth, Prologue'

The Collector
12:04 pm | March 5, 2004
hey guys no need to beat on the technically challenge guy/girl. The noob is learning and the crime aspect of the MC... Hmmmm... ok it was different lol
8:12 am | March 5, 2004
ill be doin the rest of series so anyone who reads this page please look at the rest of the story when its posted
8:12 am | March 5, 2004
he said thanks you guys
10:23 pm | March 4, 2004
oh, and in my book a 6/10 isn't that bad...very few have gotten above a 9 and only *7*(I think) Have gotten the almighty 10/10 rating from me.

So ya'll know heres how my grading scale is

0/10- Unreadable...completly....See "all your blue base, base, base" for an excellent example

1/10- Crap...but readable for one time only...about 5 or so minuits of you're life you will never get back...Usually very confusing/de-grammar-fied. With no descernable plot and a sense it was typed by a 5-year-old

2/10- Just better than a 1/10. Usually has a shadow of grammar effort..also usually very confusing

3/10- Not as bad...a decent story in there somewhere...tho usually you cant tell what it is because it's hard to understand

4/10- Containes a decent story...but the plot is hard to understand due to...once again..gramatical errors

5/10- Average fan fic....contains a somewhat decent plot and many gramaticle errors

6/10- Above average...usually marred by small details that keep it from reaching 7/10+

7/10 pretty good. Not so many grammar errors and a good solid plot...also marred by a few technical details

8/10 Equivalent to a B in school...this is my most awarded grade. A good story with only a few grammar errors

9/10 Like an A. Given when a story is near perfect, but not high enough to receive a..

...10/10. Perfect. Awesome story. virtually no gramatical errors. No holes in the plot. Very hard to get. I beleive the only repeat earner is Wado.

Man...i can't belive i typed all that. My hands hurt....
10:20 pm | March 4, 2004
Tell him to get his technical stuff straight and he might earn a 8/10. I know i'm sounding picky...but thats how I am. To be great in this game you have to be picky.....

Thats all for now....
5:42 pm | March 4, 2004
he asked what you would give it if you ignored the ROF thing
5:35 pm | March 4, 2004

i posted for a mate who doesnt have the internet ok?
10:21 pm | March 3, 2004
still...20 rounds a second is impossible, the bolt wont cycle that fast, no matter what...even a Minigun can't shoot that fast..and even if it could..it would be pointless, especially if you had a 70-round magazine. you'd run out of ammo in 3.5 seconds. pointless. Other than that its a good story..and the crime thing: what were you smoking when you came up with that idea....

stil a 6/10
8:35 am | March 3, 2004
didnt read your second post Wiley, just so u no, i dont think its the same gun as in the E3 vid
8:32 am | March 3, 2004
i know he wouldnt say bollocks, this is actually my mates work, he couldnt b arsed to send it in so i did it for him, its meant 2 say 20 rounds a SECOND Wiley, and i know its meant to say system not goggles, ill forward this stuff to my mate, see what he thinks, ill be writin the rest of the series (itll probably be worse)
11:46 pm | March 2, 2004
i dont think the chief would fight common crime
or say bollocks

it wasnt bad tho
11:39 pm | March 2, 2004
sorry..scratch the ROF thing...i misread. Tho 20 RPS is too fast..IMHO. in the E3 vid it shot semi-auto...id expect the ROF to be about the rate of an AK-47 on auto.

And the grammar could use a little work too.

still a 6/10
11:32 pm | March 2, 2004
Master chief...fighting crime? Wow...thats new....

You need to learn up on your technical stuff too...Night/thermal vision GOGGLES in a MOJILNR? The word "System" would have worked there.

Also..20 rounds a minit? most modern assault rifles fire up to 950 RPM.....you can shoot faster with a pump-action shotgun.

9:13 pm | March 2, 2004
NO!! The Chief does not say 'bollocks'!!!!
