
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'In Chaos and Despair: Bellerophon 3'

3:45 pm | January 28, 2004
I read through it, but it got a little confusing and hard to understand. with people dieing around the doctor, he has the time to be joking around and takes the time to introduce a marine private to an AI, come on now.


First to rise, Last to fall
Helljumpers do it all

Feet first into Hell
Snake Solid 117
6:49 pm | January 27, 2004
I like this one too. Th eplasma would have done more damage, but i'm not a chemical physics major, so, good job. I lik eteh way it was writted, easy to understand, and put together well.

Just a note, the burns form plasma would be a lot like the ones given to those who suffered from the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima/Nagisaki(sp?).
