
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'First Contact - Part One'

Sage Scorpion
12:47 pm | March 8, 2004
Eh... good, but it's kinda cliche by now. Yes, you wrote it well, and the story itself wasn't bad, but there's only so much you can do with something like the Harvest campaign. You don't have much creative license with this, and if you don't follow what happened to the letter, people will bitch at you.

Story: 7.5/10
Topic Choice: 2/10
Sage Scorpion
12:47 pm | March 8, 2004
Eh... good, but it's kinda cliche by now. Yes, you wrote it well, and the story itself wasn't bad, but there's only so much you can do with something like the Harvest campaign. You don't have much creative license with this, and if you don't follow what happened to the letter, people will bitch at you.

Story: 7.5/10
Topic Choice: 2/10
3:26 am | March 8, 2004
Sage is so right
3:49 am | March 7, 2004
Yea it was good, but u need to prof read it though, some small mistakes
Jon M
6:35 pm | March 6, 2004
Let's play a word association game. I'll give myslef a word or phrase and then I'll say the first thing that pops into my head. Ready?

This story............. good and short
Effort................. good and short
Story idea............. great
Characterization....... little weak
New paragraph.......... INDENT!
story should continue.. Of course!
3:11 pm | March 6, 2004
its real good first contact great topic but you sort of know where the story is going to go (humans getting thier arses kicked) but you could suprise us with a little know last stand battle keep em coming
Thomas Harper
1:16 pm | March 6, 2004
i liked it i liked it and i cant wait for the next one. u left me hanging! lol. nice.
