
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'ShipLife ODST: Part 1'

12:29 am | May 29, 2004
I think MCC confused me with the author of this story. LOL
6:48 pm | May 28, 2004
woops no Q in my name

6:48 pm | May 28, 2004
Thanx MCC, its like you understand me... not in a homosexual kinda way.

MC's Cousin
1:50 pm | May 28, 2004
Yes, you need to get all your military facts down. You could get a basic understanding by reading the Halo books through.
Your people didn't sound right, and you lack a lot of detail that made me not want to finish.
Because of the lack of detail, the whole thing went by too fast. And there wasn't realy any apect o fit that drew me into it.
And yes, you must use the code. And there is not excuse for not doing so.

By the way, Helljumper doesn't hate you, he just doesn't like it when you describe ODSTs in an inproper fashion. All he is sayin is that if you have your mil. facts straight, and make them act and sound like real soldiers, and Helljumpers to boot, then it will be ok. But you need to work on all those things before you write another.

Signing Off

4:12 pm | May 27, 2004
I hope Helljumper doesn't hate me for my next story. Its a single story about a Helljumper. Hope you like.
11:42 am | May 27, 2004
Don't blame your lack of prowess in spelling on your computer. I write out my stories on the fanfiction submission form; see how many errors I have.
Slit Throat
11:06 am | May 27, 2004
Use the Code!
3:59 pm | May 26, 2004
Kinda hard to read. Try putting indents or spaces between paragraphs to break it up.
Longsword Pilot Man
3:52 pm | May 26, 2004
Oh crap. I did say female leutenant. Oops. I know ranks pretty well but I guess I just missed that one. sorry.
3:09 pm | May 26, 2004
Why is a lieutenant second in command to a sergeant. You need to get your military facts straight. Please don't continue this story till you get your mind right. Read my stories to get a better idea of the ODST and how stories should be. My stories are filled with how the Marines operate.

Longsword Pilot Man
2:58 pm | May 26, 2004
I made alot of stupid spelling mistakes in this story. We recently re-formatted my computer so I don't have a word processor capable of Spell Check. My bad.
