
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Entar Chronicles Part 2'

2:13 pm | April 27, 2003
Hey everyone, sorry the next part isn't here iv'e been really busy. It should be here next weekend.
12:29 am | April 8, 2003
Also James i appologize for assuming you hadn't read the first part, but i would greatly appreciate it if you would tell me WHAT parts were confusing or wierd so i can fix that in part three. Or if you just found the story entierly bizare, then say how it was bizare. I need to know WHAT my errors are, not whether or not i have errors. Thanks.
12:20 am | April 8, 2003
Demosthenes, the rrrrrrrrrc was simply a sound they made with their throats. That dialouge was supposed to be hard to read. Also, if you are concerned about the pelican blasting those civilians, complain to Jason because he was commanding the Pelican! Lol.
James Kinsella
11:56 am | April 7, 2003
Thanx for the advice but I did read the first part first and still found it weird. I would to say to Demosthenes that only a complete idiot would make comments without knowing exactly what hes talking about.
11:15 am | April 7, 2003
Good, I must admit, but, It was kinda stupid for them to just kill those civillians. Even though that show was evil, they shouldn't have just killed those humans. Have they changed from innocent until proven guilty to guilty until proven innocent. But anyhow, overall it's pretty good. Lots of typos and the language of the blob things was hard to read. What's rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrc supposed to mean?? Still good though, keep it up. I anticipate the next part. Also, I'd like to say, only a complete idiot would read not read the first part first.
12:27 am | April 7, 2003
Alot of those floating around.
9:29 pm | April 6, 2003
James, i can see how someone who didn't read the first part would think it was wierd! You should go back and read it before you read part three.
9:07 pm | April 6, 2003
Sorry, i know i haven't killed anyone yet, other than the pit beast. I'll have way more action in the next one. Also, the part with the battle pit was just to show the underworld of human society. The game Halo shows mostly civilized humans. I wanted the planet Colchis to more of a "wretched hive of scum and villany", not another Reach.
6:09 pm | April 6, 2003
mediocre. I know you have more potential than that.
James Kinsella
1:24 am | April 6, 2003
Not bad, kinda weird, but still good. Keep it up!
