
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Rebirth - Tras'Lok/Weilan; Gallant Claw'

2:46 am | March 1, 2003
A good story with beautiful writing.

And don't dis spam! It tastes good...
1:27 pm | February 7, 2003
After Knightmare's done with his stuff, i post mine, and then we move on to the beef of the story. And btw, Anon: You might wanna get yourself a name. Anonamous gets assigned to anyone who doesn't have the time or initiative to remember to put in a name. Just so that we know who we're talkin' to.
1:07 am | February 7, 2003
Right, Anon.. Sorry about that. Shadow is still in the series, just introducing the characters who will partake in the story.
10:16 pm | February 6, 2003
u know everyone said i was wrong but no one answered my question
7:25 pm | February 6, 2003
The words were too big for me, my brain started to hurt after the first 3 paragraohs, I liked it tho.
4:00 pm | February 4, 2003
What the hell was that guy's prob, nice work and usually the only people who post stuff like that are people who can't write.
3:06 pm | February 4, 2003
Man, are spammers ungrateful or what? We all know you're good, Knightmare. Just keep up the typical good work.
1:36 am | February 4, 2003
Had there been any indication of such a happening here?
10:20 pm | February 3, 2003
i hated it wtf hapened to shadow i thought it was terrible first your in the time wen halo happens then u jump 500 years into the future i really didnt like it
10:20 pm | February 3, 2003
i hated it wtf hapened to shadow i thought it was terrible first your in the time wen halo happens then u jump 500 years into the future i really didnt like it
9:26 pm | February 3, 2003
Me like. Story by Knightmare good. Me has not forgotten that me e-mail you to become Merry Marine. Merry Marine me will be. Me do not know why caveman talk I speak. Ego taken me over, no?
5:10 pm | February 3, 2003
lol.... thanks guys.
4:18 pm | February 3, 2003
Well, i take it that i'm going to be posting soon. Let me know when. BTW, nice work! Of course, it's only to be expected of you, man.
8:08 pm | February 2, 2003
The writing style is excellent. The story flowed nicely. Great job, keep it up.
7:00 pm | February 2, 2003
Yay, i am the first to post. Very good, this is going to be very very interesting...its actually the only one i took time to read in the past months let alone post on. Good Job

p.s. i am an idiot, forgot about my own story which i started 2 months ago
