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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Draco III: Wrath of the Covenant'

CoLd BlooDed
7:18 pm | February 22, 2004
Maybe you need to chill out.

First, Helljumper didn't say there were any Helljumpers in your story, he just said put them in.

Second, its still not that likely that a battalion of Marines can take out hundreds of Elites, Grunts, and Jackals, they'd get their asses kicked, the Humans that is.

Third, the ranks of the UNSC is the same as they are now, go to google or a search website and look for military ranks. Don't spaz at the critic, unless your looking for a bonfire, Helljumper is a good writer, and just says the things he does and doesn't like about stories.

Sorry, but thats the way it is.
Kinotrica 'Mocka'
2:51 am | February 22, 2004
Ummm....I guess I should be thankful that some one did reply to my story, but did you have to use profanity?

Nowhere in my story did it say anything about HellJumpers, or taking on hundreds of Hunters. I said hundreds of Covenant ie Grunt's Jackals and Elites, but not Hunters. Maybe you should actually read the story over again before you criticize me and use profanity.

Maybe you need to be educated. I may not know the ranks of the UNSC, but at least I know how to spell Covenant-that other people here have failed to take notice of. If some one wrote a huge story and spelled Covenant or Forerunners wrong, you wouldn't say anything, I bet. But then again your a very judgemental person (from what I can read) and therefore don't give people a break.

So in return, fuck off.
MC's Cousin
11:55 pm | February 21, 2004
Ditto on the previous comments and: like a couple other stories I have read, your writing style is off. Sound like a description rather than a story. Descriptions are good in stories but not for stories. It stops the 'story flow' right in its tracks. And do us a favor, use the code. Instead of chopping it like a chef, use indents and stuff like that (indent-[indent] open bold-[b] close bold-[/b] same for italics just swap the "b" for an "i". But you would already know this if you took the time to read the stuff BEFORE you post.

Signing Off

5:41 am | February 20, 2004
And another thing, It is impossible for a small number of marines to kill hundreds of Hunters as u put it. Hundreds of Hunters could wipe out a Battalion of marines with little effort.
5:39 am | February 20, 2004
It started out a good story but then u fucked it up by having a Lieutenant be a little bitch to a sergeant. In case u didn't know, Lieutenants are officers and sergeants are NCO's. Lts are a much higher rank. They don't say sir to sergeants, its the other way around. Sergeants carry out the orders of Lts. Oh boy, someone educate this kid. Don't fuck up and put Helljumpers in ya story.

First to rise, last to fall
Helljumpers do it all
