
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 12'

Alpha Lance
10:06 pm | October 12, 2003
10:15 am | October 12, 2003
its 6oo years after now, I guess they should have made it that way. but... im not a stealth bomber expert.

im not going to spill anything but the ending will not be as you would think.

BTW... just submitted part 13... must be on tonight or Monday. enjoy.

4:35 pm | October 11, 2003
You can see stealth bombers from the air, they aren't invisible, just to radar. They have nothing for air-to-air, so using them in dogfights would be suicidal at most.
Alpha Lance
5:54 am | October 11, 2003
True, stealth is or pride and joy. But wouldn't the Covenant pick the bombers up, their technology is much more advance. Stealth crafts might not work on them. But of coarse, its your story, and write it how ever you want. Besides, we want the humans to win anyways. Can't wait for the next part.

BTW, I got some dutch in my too. I was also using my crappy msn at the time. I got two internet service, msn, aol.
3:05 pm | October 10, 2003
W00t what happened with your PC? you posted 10x! LOL!!!!!!

BTW I want to say, this is NOT the complete version. I will change any bad parts and things to make it as good as it could ever be.

yes, I will work greatly on the grammar problem, but its hard for a Dutchman to mkae complete parts without making any mistakes. but if I just type in much in English I will become real good and will ake less mistakes.

About the retake of the sky: If you have the sky you can transport units all over cities and places, drop bombs at enemy's, stop enemy reinforcements, and more. why stealthbombers? that is for a surprise attack. if you go in head-on it could be hard to take the sky.

If you know how much I changed from my first concept idea, you might understand that it is hard to keep on track. some parts I forgot interaction with main characters and more. of course I will change it.

BTW... My favorite mech... I think Cougar or Ymir...

at this time its Friday and im working on the next part. maybe I submit it today.

10:28 pm | October 6, 2003
Why would the humans try to retake the skies with stealth bombers?

Oh, and work on grammar and spelling.
