
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Poem Of Comedy'

2:35 am | May 19, 2004
Um, rather bizarre, but not too bad for your first go I guess. If at first you don't succeed ... screw up your first one and try again!
Nick Kang
12:34 pm | May 16, 2004
I tried for a poem...but gave up after a few hours...cause it sucked.

CoLd BlooDed
2:33 am | May 16, 2004
My first one wasn't that bad.
3:43 am | May 15, 2004
Not really. I know, almost everyone's first poem sucks (mine was pathetic). I couldn't tell if it was good or not. My first one I mean.
2:26 am | May 15, 2004
You know, I have to wonder why people even bother to post these damn poems... I mean, can't they read their own and realize how mediocre they are?
12:56 am | May 15, 2004
Elite Zov
8:02 pm | May 14, 2004
Which story it is? I WANNA READ!
Elite Zov
8:02 pm | May 14, 2004
Which story it is? WANNA READ WANNA READ WANNA READ!! (Sorry for my stupility, kinda happy today.hmm..i don't even know my self.)
7:26 pm | May 14, 2004
And feel free to read ther story which i just finished still no comments... (sigh)
Elite Zov
6:30 pm | May 14, 2004
At least someone is agree with my remarks. A lot of people telling me I read too much sin-fic, and war stories, but I'm not shore it makes anything different.
Lance Johnson
4:03 pm | May 14, 2004
that was just plain weird
11:18 am | May 14, 2004
hehe thatz ok Hawk, at least i made u laugh:P
being stupid is my forte'...in a smart way though:D
someone that you dont know
11:00 am | May 14, 2004
oh so NOW you tell us its your first poem. I have to say, it seemed like you just got some words that rhyme and put together a lame poem in ten seconds. Jackal, Tackle, Grunt, blunt, and so forth, put some thought into your poems next time. 5/10 (Im being generous)
Slayer Boi
10:23 am | May 14, 2004
Thanks to warthog there is a bit of comedy in this poem. man i can write better poems than that, but mine arent usually about halo. i wrote a good 1 on that story death of the cheif but it didnt get through.... i was proud of it oh yeah 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10
8:22 am | May 14, 2004
"lol well at least i'm good at being a smart-ass"

That made me laugh.

Why? Because it was so amazingly stupid that I had to find it amusing. Thank you.
5:47 am | May 14, 2004
lol well at least i'm good at being a smart-ass
2:11 pm | May 13, 2004
Ty for your comments, yea this is my first poem so I don't think its going to be 10/10
Elite Zov
1:41 pm | May 13, 2004
Hate to agree with the smart-ass here, but its not really funny, though some little punny parts are, the poem are really good if its normal. So make shore you'll ask the proffecionalls, oks? (sorry for my spelling, i'm in a hurry.)
6:30 am | May 13, 2004
This sucked. i'm sorry, but why the fuck did you put "Comedy" in your title. this has nothing funny in it what-so-ever. This may have been ok if it was normal, but just barely.

i've written some comedy poems, maybe you should check em out. sure they're stupid, but they've made people laugh, and thats what COMEDY is for. Not to make people sit in front of their screens with their mouthes agape saying "wtf?" over and over again.

I must admit your style of poem writing is good, i liked the "dead jackal, dead jackal, dead jackal" and the other two, but just try to write a normal poem ok? dont try to be funny when your making stuff out of your mind, without thinking whether peepz will like it or not k?

good girl
