
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Ghost: Chapter 1'

Nick Kang
11:56 am | June 6, 2004
Ah! Forgot to put my sig! NK

Nick Kang
2:00 pm | June 5, 2004
Yes...kill the Grunt....make him die a horrible, painful, bloody death! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!!
1:44 pm | June 5, 2004
Nick thats kinda the point I had planned to have a backstory for him and stuff but I guess since noone likes him ill just kill him off

and yes pacfan i like tupac
11:45 am | June 5, 2004
Hey Ghost,

Do you like Tupac?
Just wondering because your email is something like tupacalypse now.
Nick Kang
9:52 am | June 5, 2004
You mean the Grunt? He talks like a moron. Everything he says ends with 's.'

12:38 am | June 5, 2004
Yeah thats what i figured they already have clothes like I was saying I dont understand why so far into the future humans weapons still suck....

And I dont understand what's wrong with the grammar of the one char?
Nick Kang
9:45 pm | June 4, 2004
After reading about guile suits(by the way, 'guile' should be capitalized), I believe that Bungie didn't give Humans enough credit. We are already constructing(and perfecting) suits fairly similar to that. We are also already making laser cannons capable of melting through several meters of lead. I know that bullets and primitive armor make the game cooler, but who here agrees with me?

9:41 pm | June 4, 2004

That was just... *shudder*

I hope you aren't planning on keeping the characters like that. It's almost sickening.

Try to use proper grammar, it was even worse in it's current state.
Nick Kang
9:39 pm | June 4, 2004
Well, off-case, does anyone know the SPARTAN James's code number? My First Strike book is at my dad's house, and I'm at my mom's.

5:18 pm | June 4, 2004
He's suppose to be like an annoying little dumb sidekick person not a normal grunt ^^

and as too HaloFan... what?
Halo fan
2:54 pm | June 4, 2004
Good story, but try to put lines across the paper when seperating events. I thought the first part with the grunt and elite, also with the marines were at the same place and the elite got shot.
Nick Kang
10:37 am | June 4, 2004
P.S. Woohoo! First post!

Nick Kang
10:35 am | June 4, 2004
Grunts don't talk like Gollum. That is a very valuable lesson to learn on this site.

