
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'MC's Eyes part 1'

11:00 am | April 25, 2003
nice, ur spelling needs work, but i'll lay off 'cause i bet that everyone says that. Oh yeah, and Tank, lay off him man, it was his first time and he 'fessed up to his mistakes, that put him way out of your league
2:36 pm | April 16, 2003
Yes, indeed.
James Kinsella
1:30 am | April 16, 2003
Always Faithful, Steele.
9:43 pm | April 15, 2003
Semper Fi, James.
James Kinsella
3:30 am | April 15, 2003
New paragraphs for new speakers. By the way, Marines would never practice that sort of dicipline on their own troops. Don't insult the Corps that way.
12:38 am | April 15, 2003
It's not very smart to mock people on this site, becuase usually, you'll upset other people. This comments section is for constuctive feedback, not just shit like "Hey good job man keep it up" or "that was soo tight!" People try to help you here, and you take it to offense? Oh well it's your first time here so im not going to go off on you. Besides, it doesn't take that long to go through a story and read over it to correct some obvious mistakes. Remeber, use this to your advantage.
Excalibur Spartan 117
12:32 am | April 15, 2003
most of the time if you see that my speeling is wrong is becuase i type really long and sometimes it spells wrong so sorry 'bout that everyone, and also the grammer stuff such as when new characters new paragraphs such and such blablabla ya i'll look into that ok guys, and one more thing this si for you tank if you dont like the language in my story then kiss my ass!!!!
Excalibur Spartan 117
12:18 am | April 15, 2003
Thanks for all your comments i'll look into them thx for your help guys
10:03 pm | April 14, 2003
Looks like someone here needs to get a spellchecker... And some gramatical skills... New paragraph for each new speaker, and do you even know what a comma is?
8:02 pm | April 14, 2003
Ugh, the vomit of dialogue in the first paragraph put me off finishing it.
2:47 pm | April 14, 2003
Okay first things first. Grammar. Make sure your sentences have a verb. Also everytime someone new speaks it should be a new paragraph. Work on these things for your next story, so keep writing.
