
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo Wing: Chapter Three - Information and Betrayal'

The Collector
12:51 pm | March 6, 2004
I couldnt get past the first chapter...
*Sniff* *Sniff* Damn! Just sad....
5:51 pm | March 5, 2004
lol ok the foreingner didnt finish telling his story lol, man dude this is just strange, more funnier than "All Your Blue Base, Base, Base..."

Look im Japanese, and I understand Grammar. So wats up with u?
Jon M
5:35 pm | March 5, 2004
Dude, maybe some of these folks are too young to remember that...those who got it... got it the first time. That's why I previously posted, "genius isn't recognized in it's own time." Doing it twice is...well...no comment.

For those who didn't get it... there was a video circulating the net about 1999 or 2000 that came from some Asian game company that couldn't translate English very well. The intro to their game had this horrible transcript where everyone talked like this. It was hilarious in a way. Here's a link to the main site. Check out the videos and history.

Ermac of VGPro
4:00 pm | March 5, 2004
Everyone knows this is a spoof of All Your Base are Belong to Us, right? I do know proper English, that's why the non-dialog parts of the story aren't badly translated. Duh....
