
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver Blooded:'

Elite Zov
6:05 pm | June 29, 2004
uhuh. you don't ave to tell me twice. I'm not like BOYS always don't listen. I'm telling you, I HAVE NO F%#$# TIME!
12:00 am | June 18, 2004
geez, i go away for a little while, and when i get back, writing ability drops sharply...

tisk tisk...

you had what i like to call B grade movie syndrome going on there...

great idea, poorly implimented...

you definatly didn't write some of those parts there, and it shows up easily... check your grammer, make sure it flows, and don't be in such a hurry that you risk ruining a good thing.

you must think your a good writer, because you've posted something up on this site. and i'm not saying your not, but dude, check the grammer.

make sure it works,....
and slow down...


signing off... wait... (did i sign on?)

signing on...

signing off...
12:00 am | June 18, 2004
geez, i go away for a little while, and when i get back, writing ability drops sharply...

tisk tisk...

you had what i like to call B grade movie syndrome going on there...

great idea, poorly implimented...

you definatly didn't write some of those parts there, and it shows up easily... check your grammer, make sure it flows, and don't be in such a hurry that you risk ruining a good thing.

you must think your a good writer, because you've posted something up on this site. and i'm not saying your not, but dude, check the grammer.

make sure it works,....
and slow down...


signing off... wait... (did i sign on?)

signing on...

signing off...
MC's Cousin
4:26 pm | June 17, 2004
It was obvious that you were in a hurry. Once again, no code. You may not think it a big thing, but it does make a big difference.
It looked like you wrote really hastily. Many gramatical errors in there. And it also appeared jumbled and was without good flow.
I'm telling you, you really need to work on those kinds of things if you want your stories to be up to par.

Signing Off

Elite Zov
1:57 pm | June 16, 2004
.............ENEMY or Ally........

p.s. i'm in a hurry..
Elite Zov
1:55 pm | June 16, 2004
Ohhhhhhhh..SHIT! Sorry dudes, the chapter is Enamy or Ally.
Elite Zov
1:50 pm | June 16, 2004
huh? what do you mean? my old friend kinda help me to write some parts, maybe that why, he she never helped me with grammar. and what f***ing name?
11:40 am | June 16, 2004
Uhhh, grammar and spelling needs some work. It almost seems like a different person wrote this part--previous parts were better written. Other than that, I was wondering what this alien would look like but I don't think I ever read that he is bipedal--is he?
Solidus Snake
11:31 am | June 16, 2004
It appears he did.
8:33 pm | June 15, 2004
Forget to finish the name?
