
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver Blooded: I Spy'

Elite Zov
3:59 am | June 13, 2004
What do you mean thedarkfire "is this from the forerunner point of view?" ?

And, I don't play Resident Evil actually. Guess some stupid cowisidence I never wahted to happen.
8:31 pm | June 12, 2004
is this from the forerunner point of view?
System Failure
2:40 pm | June 12, 2004
I forgot this, am I a regular of just in between . I couldn't really come here before due to finals. now there over so now i have some free time

Sytem Failure
2:33 pm | June 12, 2004
Elite Zov I just read your post with all that mainframe shit and it sounds kinda like that movie resident evil movie. Where some toxic gas is relesed and the mianframe kills all humans in the structure. and a squad of spec forces people come in. The computer f**ks them up then the shut it down. But then the s### hits the fan as the zombies start pouring in. BOO! HA HA HA
2:42 am | June 12, 2004
Then spend 15 to 20 minutes writing it, then spend your next 15 to 20 minutes spell checking it.
Elite Zov
2:13 pm | June 11, 2004
I'm not home you dope. you think I goint to come out form my little shell, turn off my lap top, ajnd scream; "Hay, Iraq, help me here to fix my grammar!" On top of my lungs? You kidding right? I do this stories only on my free time, and its not real easy, you know. I got less time then you do. I spend on them 15 or 20 min each at most. Well, thankx for your help anyways.
3:14 am | June 11, 2004
Just have a friend or relative scan it quickly for the obvious spellin errors.
Elite Zov
12:18 am | June 11, 2004
One more thing, yeti, I never, ever before read any books by Halo in my life. I sweare, I don't know what you're talking abaut.
Elite Zov
12:16 am | June 11, 2004
I know. So I ran it through word thing, but waht can I do? Or yuo talking about the part I wrote over here? This part, I hurried, so it's alwasys bad when I don't spend time on my work.
10:33 pm | June 10, 2004
Your spelling is very bad. You need to run it through a word processor, or someone who is better at english and grammar than you.
Elite Zov
4:57 pm | June 10, 2004
Yeah, I worked on this one alittle bit more. I have another chapter ready, but I need to check it al little more and add some stuff.

I do hope I'll get better.
Elite Zov
4:57 pm | June 10, 2004
Damn it! I just read my own story, and computer voice somehow must have been earased. I'll tell you waht happed; SO, the character in the story asked the mainframe to shot down The Rooms, right, but it said it cannot aply. (Charater screams why blablabal.) Next line. The mainframe sais that unothorized race is on land. Caracter asks for info. And the mainframe tells him it humans. Then it outomatecly opening the Rooms and with come voice askes the character to evacuate. I don't have my draft with me, so I wrote the way i remmember. Sorry, kinda I must have sliped. But I know it was THERE!
3:05 am | June 10, 2004
CoLD, get on MSN!
CoLd BlooDed
10:19 pm | June 9, 2004
No offense, 343, but you have yet to become a regular.
8:38 pm | June 9, 2004
Because I'm nice, and not named after a bird of prey.
4:06 am | June 7, 2004
Why would you want to be like that Mainevent troll anyway?

343 Salty Beans
3:27 am | June 7, 2004
It's a good story idea, just work on your grammar and spelling. For instance, you don't need to put 'and' after a semicolon (;), since semicolons are a way of combining two sentences without a conjunction. For the storyline, I give it an 8/10. for the grammar, maybe a 4.

Not like I should be judging stories like MainEvent and all those guys. I'm just beginning to be a Fanfic regular to the section.
8:17 pm | June 6, 2004
is this like the later release of da flood?
