
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Miles Away From Freedom (poem)'

Elite Zov
3:29 am | May 13, 2004
Oh, well, I don't really care what kind of comments I get. I still enjoy reading them. :)
CoLd BlooDed
9:41 pm | May 12, 2004
Huh? I meant if you write a good story then you can be happy at the amount of good comments you'll get.
Elite Zov
6:05 pm | May 12, 2004
Umhh..CoLd BlooDed , you are speaking of riddles, and if you think I'm braging, you're wrong. i never brag, I only get proud.

P.S. And everyone else, thank you for your comments.
CoLd BlooDed
1:44 pm | May 12, 2004
Try your hands at a story, maybe that'll give you something to brag about. :)
Elite Zov
12:38 pm | May 12, 2004
Uhhh...I gess i wrote too fast. I meant "my butt is TURNING pink." Sorry, I kinda was out of the screen some how. And about the 'excellencies' thing, it's my way of respecting people of course. What did you thought? And, about your insults, I really don't mind, besides, I deserved them. No hard feelings, people!
2:36 am | May 12, 2004
This was pretty terrible. Not to discourage you or anything. I could easily fix most of this...but I have a question..."My Butt is Picking"? WTF does that mean! [lol]
Nick Kang
10:41 pm | May 11, 2004
Ummm...the ones spelled wrong...And why are you calling us 'Excellencies?'

Good for a first, but it was lacking in some areas, such as rhymes. It just didn't flow right.

8:31 pm | May 11, 2004
Jeez...needs some work.
Elite Zov
6:29 pm | May 10, 2004
Well, thank you your excellencies. But what exact words?
someone that you dont know
11:42 am | May 10, 2004
That was good for a first. Be sure you spell the words correctly next time. Grammatical errors just show you are too lazy to fix them. Good, keep trying.
Elite ZOV
11:09 am | May 10, 2004
Well, kinda anyway. Sorry if its sucks, I write stories better then poems. And it was ny first one. Please forgive my stupility your excellency. :)
CoLd BlooDed
1:41 am | May 10, 2004
It's okay, I forgive your "stupility". ;)

But yeah, spell the things correctly next time.
CoLd BlooDed
10:46 pm | May 9, 2004
Ah, this wasn't a poem.
