
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Destiny'

Nick Kang
11:18 am | June 18, 2004
I can just picture it: An entire page filled with my stories. The thought brings light to my dark soul.
lol j/k
I might have one story on there, MAYBE.

And I don't think your a noob, Severian...you're a...a...someone help me out here.

2:08 am | June 18, 2004
I was hoping for "writer extraordinaire." But "extraordinary, transcendant novelist of magnificent proportions, worthy of a Nobel prize" should be good enough.

1:35 am | June 18, 2004
i reckon a few of my stories might end up on that page...

not a noob... maybe he's a..., a....,

i don't know.

can i buy a vowell?
CoLd BlooDed
10:10 pm | June 17, 2004
Hehehe, Severian, that'd be purdy cool. ;)
CoLd BlooDed
10:10 pm | June 17, 2004
Hehehe, Severian, that'd be purdy cool. ;)
9:57 pm | June 17, 2004
There needs to be some sort of a "Classics" page where the best stories on here can go in a special place. So that noobs like me can read it and LEARN.
Solidus Snake
11:29 am | June 17, 2004
My current NEW series, Hollow Life. Four pages! Lol...
10:17 am | June 17, 2004
No i don't play Day of Defeat. I'm not actually sure what type of game that is.
1:42 am | June 17, 2004
man they got the click screwed, its 743 where im at
1:41 am | June 17, 2004
u got some nice stuff man and 45 pages! that is insame

(i liked ur comment on attack on sol! do u play Day of Defeat?)
12:50 am | June 17, 2004
well, being multi-talented isn't hard. i'm in the army, i should know.

i'm a combat medic, driver, operator supply, dangerous goods handler and a grunt all rolled into one...
it's not that hard...

one gripe, your sarge has been in the military for 15 years, and with the squad for 6... he wouldn't call the M 19 SSM Rocket launcher a M 19 SSM Rocket Launcher....

truth be told, it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher, but he and his squad know this, and would call it a jack hammer... even though it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher...

good story, keep it up.
12:50 am | June 17, 2004
well, being multi-talented isn't hard. i'm in the army, i should know.

i'm a combat medic, driver, operator supply, dangerous goods handler and a grunt all rolled into one...
it's not that hard...

one gripe, your sarge has been in the military for 15 years, and with the squad for 6... he wouldn't call the M 19 SSM Rocket launcher a M 19 SSM Rocket Launcher....

truth be told, it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher, but he and his squad know this, and would call it a jack hammer... even though it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher...

good story, keep it up.
12:50 am | June 17, 2004
well, being multi-talented isn't hard. i'm in the army, i should know.

i'm a combat medic, driver, operator supply, dangerous goods handler and a grunt all rolled into one...
it's not that hard...

one gripe, your sarge has been in the military for 15 years, and with the squad for 6... he wouldn't call the M 19 SSM Rocket launcher a M 19 SSM Rocket Launcher....

truth be told, it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher, but he and his squad know this, and would call it a jack hammer... even though it is a M 19 SSM Rocket launcher...

good story, keep it up.
12:41 am | June 17, 2004
Homeworlds is over 100 pages.
CoLd BlooDed
10:08 pm | June 16, 2004
My current series (The Strive to Survive), is 74 pages in total, and still growing.

It has 29, 253 words, I just checked. :P
6:43 pm | June 16, 2004
Speaking as someone who has been in the military, a medic has a primary duty of treating people, but they have to be versatile enough to do other things (like shoot a gun, drive, etc). Now, if he was trying to drive and treat somebody at the same time, I'd be really concerned for the rest of the passengers.
6:39 pm | June 16, 2004
I'm not 100 percent sure what Anonymous was saying, but i think i got the idea. The medic can drive, he isn't always fixing someone up. You can't really fix someone up while driving a Warthog, so he can drive it.
4:12 pm | June 16, 2004
Okay, you've peaked my interest. Forty-five pages? Yippee!
4:10 pm | June 16, 2004
He's a paramedic. :P
2:06 pm | June 16, 2004
How can Medic can be Driver at the same time? Uh, there actually no, oh never mind is the damn fan fic.
Solidus Snake
11:45 am | June 16, 2004
This is pretty good. I love how you used the Pseudocode well, it made it easy for me to read.
Nick Kang
11:11 am | June 16, 2004
And the story was about 50% better than most peoples' first stories. You got potential.

Nick Kang
11:09 am | June 16, 2004
I have about 5 series going right now, and each is about fifteen pages, so that adds up to about...lets see, carry the fifty, move that over there, change that to 100...Aha! Two-hundred pages...wait.

Slit Throat
2:38 am | June 16, 2004
Man, my story's only 30 pages so far! Must... write... faster *typing insanely*.

My story is Attack on Sol if anyone is interested.
12:50 am | June 16, 2004
oops! Looks like i posted that twice!? Sorry!
12:43 am | June 16, 2004
Thanks, this is my first fan fiction story. And it's the first chapter of many, right now i have about 45 pages on a microsoft word document. The story gets alot more interesting later on so keep reading!
12:43 am | June 16, 2004
Thanks! This is my first fan fiction story. And it's only the first chapter of many, hopefully. Right now i have about 45 pages on a microsoft word document. The story gets alot more interesting later on, so keep reading!
