
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Slow to Perfection {(Part 1)}'

10:01 pm | June 27, 2003
This story has surpassed all that have seen this website. I was amazed at the vocabulary and plot. How long did it take you to write this series?. it was really good. 10/10.

P.S= I am the author of [Unknown Apprentice].
8:24 pm | April 18, 2003
Good Stuff
1:57 am | April 18, 2003
That's a bitchin' story. I wish I could write that well. Are you planning on writing anymore stories?
8:31 pm | April 15, 2003
i could be just halucinating, but im pretty sure ive read this story somewhere before. i got to the par about him telling his name is gannon, and i knew the rest of the story. did you post this before?
Traumatised Marine
6:52 pm | April 15, 2003
Good lord, I rolled my eyes reading that first bit, it was so over-dramatic. However, now I realise that you're actually trying to make this sound as if from the view of a more enlightened being, perhaps human, but has reached a new level of self-development and outlook. Perhaps I'm looking into it too much, but it did work quite well for me, and I proceeded to read the whole thing.

Shadow Spartan
6:14 pm | April 15, 2003
wow dude, this is really good stuff...you new to fanfic? never seen your name before....one small problem: indent, lots of people here get ticked off because people dont indent...dont know why, since its a simple mistake, but still, try to indent...still, it was a really good story 9/10
