
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Invasion'

2:51 am | October 8, 2003
I think any story that is original is good, the fan fic secton is lacking original ideas. I think it is possible that humans could devlop better weapons, but try to explain what breakthroughs they made to do this. Also explain more about the Spline ground weaponry, if this is a series is will be CRITICALL that you have ground battles to add flavor to the story.
Peac out!
Agent Shade
2:20 am | October 8, 2003
very interesting approach, i must say i am impressed...but, if i may say so, human technology being superior to that of the Covenant is quite odd...also, you introduced the Spline without any type of warning or something...next time, make a prologue and explain their warrior caste, leader caste, weapons, ships, etc. i have a feeling that the Covenant, the Spline and the humans are going to unite lol. i agree with Walker nonetheless, well done
11:45 am | October 7, 2003
11:45 am | October 7, 2003
Highly isane. On how many comments sites do I have to post that humans do not and cannot have better technology than the covenant.
11:36 am | October 7, 2003
"Spline" did sound like "Spleen" though... I couldn't get over that. Heh heh.
11:31 am | October 7, 2003

I think...

I like it!

This is the kind of story that draws you into the plotline. The kind that makes you want to read more. The kind that makes you think, and makes you wonder, and makes you love it. It's the best kind of story, by the best kind of writer. I hope this is a series, Chummu, because if it isn't, I'm going to be very sad and you very sad for not turning it into a series... no, that's not a threat, it's a fact. Congradulations on this great story. And, with the highest praise of the British (I'm not British; are you?), I give it a rating of not bad.

Semper Fi

