
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'ODST: Feet First'

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
It was okay. You used the code, good enough grammar and spelling.

Very short though. Not too much action, but that's okay since your setting it up.

Only problem I have, is that I have a series called ODST: (Title here).
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
A little bit to religous there, if it matters.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Pretty good, seemed kinda rushed though. I like the prayer at the end. If you read my post Force REcon Scout Sniper part 2, i include the Force REcon creed.

white grunt
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
great story, love the the prey at the end
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Look who is the advertiser now, Helljumper
hunter that dances
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
very good. a little short, but like mainevent says, your setting it up. Im a christian,so the creed really touched me

keep it up, or ill stalk you, lol
Capo Rip
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
"...and to the duties my Country..."

Isn't he a UNMC soldier? As in *United Nations*? Doesn't seem right to be loyal to a single country when he's fighting for Earth...
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Technically, the United Nations is a "country" in Halo since their are other planet Federations in the Human controlled space, its just that the UN is the strongest and owns the most planets.

Nick Kang
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Meh, it was okay.
Yeah, there is more than the UN...like NATO and stuff.

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
The UN doesn't "own" planets, it just handles the military.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Let's think. If the UN controls the armies, they could obliterate any planet they want. So basically, they own the planets, because they can pretty much do anything they want, as the full Military is under their control, thus able to control any planet they choose...

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
They could. But being able to obliterate a planet and owning it are two different things. They wouldn't obliterate a planet. Unless they just wanted a big paper weight.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
By the time a one-world govt. rolls around I hope to be able to move to Mars.

"As a wise man once said, the UN exists for one purpose: to dismantle the US as we know it and to charge us with the bill." -Some guy

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Besides, you guys are making assumptions that may or may not be ture. How do we know "the full Military is under their control"? The only military we know about in the Halo universe is the UNSC's--does that mean individual nations do not have militaries? No, and I wouldn't believe it if you told me. Perhaps they would be downsized, or in some cases disbanded in sight of the Covenant crisis--but I find it hard for a bunch of guys from one planet to be able to rule an entire quadrant of the galaxy.

Would it be at all unfeasable for, say, one planetary government to be fighting another? The UNSC cannot fight itself, thus they would have their own militaries. Perhaps after we beat the Covenant it will continue. Where does it say that a cluster of planets won't revolt, causing factions from that cluster currently in the UNSC to split apart from the others? Where does it say the UN on Earth will not split apart themselves, leaving the UNSC an empty shell? Their military would likely be disbanded, their ships and weapons seized by individual planets who fight each other. *Perhaps two countries on the same planet will be at war. The possibilities are endless. Just because the wheels of society stop to fight off a common enemy, doesn't mean they can keep spinning later.

A big reason why sci-fi books almost never **go beyond the theatre of the immediate crisis is that it is WAY too complicated. What I mentioned above is just the beginning of a long, long list of "what's going on in the world outside". So let's leave it at that.


*"Derailed" by Dispraiser

**"Ender" series by Orson Scott Card
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Excuse, I meant "can't keep spinning later". Forgive my blunder.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Nice to see your back Walker.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Thank you, FOrunnER.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Whoa...That was complicated...

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Oooh, and Walker, would you mind if i sent you my stories to "Proofread" before i submitted them to HBO? ^.^

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Not at all, as soon as I set up a hotmail account... and you'll have to inform me on HBO, I probably won't check my email often.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Scratch that... I suddenly got a bad feeling and I trust my gut. Nothing against you personally, but... I don't want to give away my email over the internet. Don't know what kind of whackos might flood you with porn or spam or such and such. And here anybody can see it. Sorry. Maybe you can post it on some other fanfic site? I'd be glad to read it there. Again, sorry, and nothing against you personally. I'm almost as paranoid on the net as I am in real life.

Molon labe!

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Going back over it all, the UNSC isn't in charge of much on the ground side. They're just in control of the space ships. And the military on said space ships.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
-.-"...Oh well...

spanish spartan
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Tell jessica never to post again. HALO is not meant for weak women. she should be cooking and getting pregnant. i am insulted to read a female's post.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
shut up, you idiot. im insulted to read a post like that from you. have a little courtesy.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Some how I don't think Spartans would be sexist pigs, Spanish Spartan. I think it should be you we stop from posting again!

Sorry. Like the story and I'd give it...hmmm lets say 7/10. Keep writing!

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
With that kind of attitude spanish spartan, I can gaurentee you'll never get a girl.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
You feel special that you can insult a girl don't you spanish spartan...

Black Titan
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Wow spanish spartan, wow. how imature. good story.
spanish spartan
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
yes, i do feel special to insult a girl. you bitch.
Slit Throat
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Hey Louis Wu, we need a banned IP address here.

The story was confusing, but it was a prologue (I hope).

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Louis can ban IP addresses? Oooh, i didn't know that...

Hmm, i wonder why i picture this guy as somebody who gets bullied at school, so he has to take it out on people over the internet...Sad...

Dave Luck
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Interesting description about how the pods go down. I like that. I always love long, interesting descriptions.

About 'sexist spartan,' don't bother about him now. If you should ever meet the bastard, just say you despise him - and make sure you let your belt sander do the talking - I suggest using it to peel off his skin. If you don't have a belt sander, just use a cordless wheel grinder. Almost as good, and a little bit cheaper. Kinda like a Dremel, only bigger, and with more sparks when working on metal.

If you don't have any of those, buy a cordless circular saw. They run fairly cheap, but the best ones offer more power for tougher materials and wider blades for thicker materials. Don't worry about knock-offs, they aren't much of a problem. Be sure to remove the blade guard and rest pads if you want to use it as a weapon. Just tighten the bolts really well. Oh, and doing this voids your warranty, so you'd better be careful. Don't let the muscle tissues clog the motor though. Buy a standard blade - usually this is included in your saw. Have fun!

- Dave.

P.S - Don't buy a chainsaw. They do not work as effective weapons - they do not cut bone, and are very likely to jam as the chain brake is easily clogged. The gas assembly is high-maintenence, increasing down-time. Don't buy a chainsaw unless you really want to go for style over substance.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
spanish Spartan is a dick it is sad indeed that people have to put up whih that shit from other prople. wat a fag. anybudy can play halo HELLS BELLS! male or female, black or white or latino or asian. people like that shoul go crawl under a hole if i ever see anybudy like that im gonna kick there ass

Rock on
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
correction Rock not hole lol
Black Titan
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Spanish spartan should jump off a bridge. The world would be better without him. More like a spanish grunt, talk trash, but dont put up a fight worth s....
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
glad you guys liked my story :D
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I got to hand it to u Black Titan That is one of the smartest things anybuds said on this
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Hey bojack, if you're writing a story about ODSTs, and Helljumper likes it, then the story has to be good...

JeSsI-kInS ^.^
A Fan
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I couldn't post a comment yesterday ,but ...hay good story update soon ( I like the prayer at the end )
