
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Retaliation: Chapter Three'

10:46 pm | September 27, 2003
yeah alpha if u dont realize what u said there all i can say is wow

but as for the story good job but if u are gonna keep them all this short u will have about 30 storys

maybe this will give u a clue alpha

6:20 pm | September 27, 2003
Never mind the end comment of that last one, I never saw the "That was me" part.
6:18 pm | September 27, 2003
You know Alpha Lance, you really should have caught the joke there, and by the way, we now know you are he who calls himself Anonymous.
Alpha Lance
8:33 pm | September 26, 2003
That was from me.
8:31 pm | September 26, 2003
Immature, how am I immature, is it because I was congratuaing him. Or is it because I wrote the abbrevation for Blue Jaguar. You seem to be the immature one. Sorry to say that, and I don't want no war against you. So I'm just going to forget about it.
Alpha Lance
11:24 am | September 26, 2003
Really, really good BJ, I like it, so keep up the hard work.
10:30 am | September 26, 2003

Alpha Lance said really good BJ. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH[/immaturity]
Sergeant B
10:23 am | September 25, 2003
Short but good!
