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Comments for 'Eldar Counsels Log Part 3- O' Fortuna, Depthera the Coming'

Steve Ollett
8:17 am | November 25, 2003
Look mate, I'm not having a personal go at you, but your style of writing at present is not in the usual style of this site - maybe that [i]actually is[/i] a good thing - I don't know.

How far back does your story go? eg. before history is recorded? Your explanation does help things out a bit more, but I think that most people see the obvious link to Tolkien's stuff and think that you have 'shoe-horned' it in a bit to fit the Halo mould.
Blue Angel
2:33 pm | November 22, 2003
Just as Tolkien, I too have written my own story.
In Tolkien's LOTR Vala is a part of the Undying Lands, however in Beowolf Vala is a river in Ragnorak. In LOTR Vallaha is also another part to the Undying Lands, however its the halls of Odin's Tower in Beowolf.

But as for my story Vala is a group of islands, and Vallaha is an empire of sorts. Or they are loyal to an empire.

In Beowolf, their is a Dark Lord of sorts, as in LOTR their is a Dark Lord.

In Macbeth when one of the witches goes to some city she incounters of sort something of trees moving, when Tolkien read this he didnt like how they used misconception for that particular part of the book. So LOTR he makes in sorts the Ents.

As for Illuvatar its the halls of Anor in the heavens, however in my story its a computers name. Or name given to the computer by the acients, in their manuscripts. which of course are found by their descedents the Unakai.
To understand the story itself one must go back to where the story truly began. So in my story i started with a conversation between the AI Lucien and Master Unkateekona'. As for this story im going back in time to give the a kinda short summary of how and why the earth is as it is today. That will go on for about six more chapters i thinks all depends of course, on time itself, especially for me.
And to the whole write something else instead of this, will I'm not going to, of course. To answer that, 'I am writing something else beside Halo. But later on in the story it will sound kinda like Halo.
Plus to write for you all is much better than writing for others for the time being as it is. So for now I will finish this story then go on to a new one. And no I can write where ever I wish, just as you can write where ever you wish.
will seeya and tah tah for now. :)
Blue Angel
2:10 pm | November 21, 2003
Blue Angel
2:08 pm | November 21, 2003
actually the tite at the bottom was a mistake of sorts but i guess ill just have to adapt. sorry to steve for being an ass, but its like 5 in the morning up here in Alaska. but man he is really being annoying. oh will. :)
Blue Angel
1:56 pm | November 21, 2003
hey mind to your own writing, it will make more sense in the future. but then again it wont.
just correct me on my mistakes and comment me on my writing please.
thanks and tah tah for now.
Steve Ollett
11:28 am | November 21, 2003
Dark Lord Tower? Islands of Vala?
This is more akin to Lord of the Rings/Silmarilion rather than Halo.

And just like the Silmarilion, your piece
makes difficult reading - maybe you should try writing for a LoTR site instead?
