
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Last Stand Of Humanity part 1 (new blood)'

9:16 am | August 31, 2003
............ok heres a test for u.... get a 2,000$ computer with "some kind of spellcheck thingy" and run it thru the stroys.... this story was put thru 10 spellcheck..ohh and the chatroom stuff sorry about that i used to go in chatrooms for along time till halo came out. this is myn bloodsoldier3 hasnt got his thru spellchecks but il try to make the other one better. any1 know were to find a good free spellcheck cus all the ones i have crash or wont state the right words the storys might still have problems just restate them and i will fix it k thanks for the posts
9:16 am | August 31, 2003
hehe my spellchecks suk on my computer but il make it better...(if the other story is posted and turns out all messed up then i didnt drink mountain dew and was typeing at 2-4am (washington state time for me) but the paragrahs were going to be changed. im copying bs4s (bloodsoldier4) writing but ya. and chatroom dilog one word OOPS this seires might go thru shit to get it right...b- i give it a c(due to all the bullshit this storys goingthru) i need mountain dew to complet the rest(md makes me thing non-chatroom and....stuff...meowmix tastes bad :&
9:18 pm | August 25, 2003
I like chicken I like Liver Meow Mix Meow Mix beats the others meow meow meow meow, meow mewo meow meow! lol im jp wassuppppppp i agree with HK
8:40 pm | August 25, 2003
I give it a B-

lol, next time'll be better, I know it! =)
8:35 pm | August 25, 2003
Here's my thoughts on this one, both good and bad:

-Hm... you still use Chat-Room Dialouge.

-Start a new paragraph when a new person talks.

-Two words: SPELL CHECK!!!

+/-Protos!!??(Not nessecarily bad, Interesting point to develop)

+Sieries can still be saved!

-The covenant have way more troops than that.

+I like the plot

lol, I know how hard it is to develop an interesting plot, and a perfect fic in you first tries. You'll get the hang of it, eventualy. Like Me! =^D
Either that, or you'll continue to write stinkweeds!

lol, don't take any of this personally. Just my thoughts!

P.S: Sry this is so long. lol.
