
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Chief's Death'

11:11 am | October 10, 2003
As you've so well proved to us just now, spartandude117 or whatever your name is, you were never one of us. Not a writer. Not even a critic. Just an idiot.
12:30 am | October 9, 2003
Ladies and Gentelemen, may I introduce you to the homophobe? Beyond spartan, near invincable its quite easy for him to die (happens in multi-player an awful lot now doesn't it?).
10:53 pm | October 8, 2003
wow....thats the gayest thing ive ever heard. i mean come on how could the Master Chief die. i mean the guys fricken near invincible. so ur gay and everyone who likes this poem is gay and everyone who doesnt like my series is gay!
1:57 am | October 8, 2003
i like it. i take this classs call themes in lit. and we have to read all sorts of poems, and this one beats a lot of the ones we have to read. it rhymes a hwole lot better than most of them too...
8:22 pm | October 7, 2003
Deep, man. Deep. I would say to put it in poem form, but it seems better the way it is now. Deep.

Semper Fi

Sergeant B
6:48 pm | October 7, 2003
Ya new or old? I mean like are you a new guy or returning??
3:00 am | October 7, 2003
lol thanks for reviews as always
1:24 am | October 7, 2003
This poem touches me ever so... I fear I might stain my pettycoat.
Sergeant B
1:21 am | October 7, 2003
Pretty good.
12:57 am | October 7, 2003
coool :)
Sebastian Crontooch
10:12 pm | October 6, 2003
What do you mean by the ending line?
