
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Out of Phase 6'

10:12 am | May 20, 2004
tell me about it, anyway, there's a number of things that come into play, terrorists change their weapons dramatically all the time, i think they're quite capable of changing the calibre of a gun, so its quite possible that an AK-74 can fire a 5.56mm round. Just dont bring anything that is at this time into play, as Valkyre said, its a Fiction. so shut the hell up and enjoy the story. Good girl.

Anyhoo, great addition to your story man, i enjoyed this. 10/10
2:00 am | May 20, 2004
Jesus Ladies, I'm not exactly Jack Ryan: CIA Anylast...its a FICTION, dosn't have to make sense, also keep in mind that the chief dosn't nessecarlily have to be in OUR universe, he could be in another one...goddamn, hippies
8:13 pm | May 19, 2004
well, why couldn't he just explain his situation in the first place again?

and cruise missiles aren't in turrets, there in pods, fired up through the surface from a submarine, or from the air from a plane (like a B-52)

good story
Blue Jaguar
8:13 pm | May 19, 2004
just FYI, from your first chapter an AK-74 does not fire a 5.56mm round, but an IMI Galil (israeli made AK type weapon) does, AK-74 fires a 5.45x39mm round
Blue Jaguar
8:13 pm | May 19, 2004
Los Angeles class sub doesnt carry nukes, Tomahawks can be equipped with nuclear warheads, but i doubt the navy is dumb enough to put them on an attack sub.
