
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Chronichles of Sgt. T(Chapter 1 of 6)'

11:15 am | June 17, 2004
Maybe i will continue, one may never know...
11:15 am | June 17, 2004
Maybe i will continue, one may never know...
Nick Kang
1:32 am | June 17, 2004
Wow that sounds like Heaven...only one bad story for every ten good ones...? I suddenly feel so depressed.

12:50 am | June 17, 2004
You guys left me, Walker, Jillybean, and Frensa Geran out.
8:33 pm | June 16, 2004
Crud.....I loved that story. I guess thats why they have the Read this Series button. Ah, oh well.
8:29 pm | June 16, 2004
Noobz......bah, humbug!!!!

We should print out all these stories and have a n00b bonfire. Im bringin marshmallows.....we can sing kumbaya(No idea how to spell) and roast little weiners over the open flame
8:27 pm | June 16, 2004
I can't really write Fall of Fate anymore because no one hear will remember it. Damn, I'm working on a tie-in though.
8:27 pm | June 16, 2004
I can't really write Fall of Fate anymore because no one hear will remember it. Damn, I'm working on a tie-in though.
8:27 pm | June 16, 2004
Damned n00b invasion. Like Germany, always pokeing its head into things they know they can't have, such as good writing skillz.
8:13 pm | June 16, 2004
You know what, 'Nosolee, I don't think so. Steele, H_K, Dispraiser, Wado; their gone, get it! Gone! Sterfry, you, me, and Alpha Lance/Solidus Snake are the only ones whove been around for a good while. Agent Shade still pops in every once in awhile tho...but he hasnt written anything. Ah, the good old days...before the n00b invasion. Where we only got 1 peice of shit for ever 10 good stories, not vice-versa. I miss 'em. *sigh* *reflecting*
7:19 pm | June 16, 2004
Yes, those were the days. Is any one left other than you, Wiley, and me?
7:19 pm | June 16, 2004
Yes, those were the days. Is any one left other than you, Wiley, and me?
4:05 pm | June 16, 2004
I was talking about the grammar, punctuation, layout, and spelling. Not the dialogue and action.
4:03 pm | June 16, 2004
Oh. and mainevent! IT WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
4:01 pm | June 16, 2004
U GOT ME! Listen,i try to be nice to everybody and all,but i feel like crap,and im sorry! YES! IM SOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
3:57 pm | June 16, 2004
oh yea, and I do think my stories are better
Nick Kang
3:45 pm | June 16, 2004
Lemme guess: You were framed, weren't you? Did Twinkie somehow post his email address on your story?

3:23 pm | June 16, 2004
You put your email on the stupid story
Black Knight
2:56 pm | June 16, 2004
Elite Zov
2:04 pm | June 16, 2004
uh, kinda hard to read, and who says who.
12:57 pm | June 16, 2004
Oh, and by the way. Can people review my story? it came in 2 batches ago...and ive gotten 3 comments. I need some feedback so i know people are READING my stories before I go posting them.

And, no, I wont apalogize for shamelessly promoting my story in THIS comment section
12:52 pm | June 16, 2004
Snake....youre Alpha Lance? Man....ive been gone a LONG time......
Solidus Snake
11:56 am | June 16, 2004
Oh and yeah, space after punctuation, and correct that HORRIBLE spelling. And its called spell check dur.
Solidus Snake
11:40 am | June 16, 2004
Wow, Twinkie, that sucked.
8:02 am | June 16, 2004
"The next one 'will' be longer." Are you promoting or trying to scare people?
Solidus Snake
3:09 am | June 16, 2004
I remember, I was using the name Alpha Lance at the time. Those were the days...
1:32 am | June 16, 2004
Does any one remeber when H_K ripped off 'Medal of Honor: Frontline' and got a comment page of over 100 comments. It was crazy, about 1 year ago.
Nick Kang
12:34 am | June 16, 2004
I'm not gonna read this! Ya know why? It's by Twinkie! And I never read stories by people who impersonate me! Except my friends.

If you want people to pay good attention to your stories, pay good attention to theirs.

10:55 pm | June 15, 2004
Hey you copied off of me, its ok though. Cosign

9:32 pm | June 15, 2004
He frequents the forums now I believe. At least A H_K does. There was an arguement between him and another guy who said he had been H_K longer, and now I don't know who's who.
8:47 pm | June 15, 2004
its like ASoWE but really gay, and no code. Whatever happened to H_K anyway?
8:45 pm | June 15, 2004
Nice one, Mainevent! Like i told him...this one was going to suck his moms strap on

8:36 pm | June 15, 2004
Well twinkie, this one wasn't really that funny. Sorry.
Solidus Snake
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Let's also not forget JCDenton, Jinkaiden, CovieKilla, and umm...that's it I guess are gone too. Oh and J-117.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
1: None of those guys/girls are still here. Havnt seen any of them for awhile.

2:Mainevent. Sorry to say it, but you came here during or just before the n00b invasion. While you're a great writer, im going by time here. technically Me, Nosolee, Alpha Lance/Solidus Snake, and Sterfry are the only vets who are still here with some kind of regularity.
Gold Elite
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I wish my computer wasn't screwed up. I keep having to write on the school's computers. No one will ever know my un-n00byish talent. =(
And not all Germans are bad. I'm German. And Irish.
MC's Cousin
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I have to agree that all the good 'ol authors aren't here anymore, at least not that often. Now, there is just an influx of n00bs that post poorly written stories. They do this because they think that anyone can be a writer and then...oh nevermind.
Anyway, about the story:

I honestly didn't get past the first two "sentenses". It was a solid paragraph with no real punctuation or anything. You need to 'enter' every time a new person goes to speak, and you start a new paragraph. Writing like you did is so confusing and jumbled, I'm getting a headache from just thinking about reading it. Please put more effort into your stories, or don't write at all.

Signing Off

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
So I'm not a regular then? Fine. *Takes out machine gun and fires at Wiley.* If I can't be a regular, then no one can!
Solidus Snake
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I'm German too.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Main, you are a regular. We mean old veterans, from over a year ago.

I'm part German too, hehe...But mostly Italian.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I think all those good writers are gone mainly because they probably found better things to do... like get paid for writing.
Solidus Snake
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I remember a while back when Walker said he was going to write again when Halo 2 came out.
Nick Kang
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Well then perhaps there is hope for the site still: a beam of light slicing through the shadows.

And I'm part German, too.

CoLd BlooDed
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I don't know if I'm considered a regular... and Wiley, Mainevent IS a regular.

No matter what you think. ;)
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
What, no one remembers me??

I was here a long, long time back, but I haven't been able to poke my head into Fan Fiction for a while (8 months, in fact).

I remember Alpha Lance/Solidus Snake well.
Solidus Snake
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Ah yes, I remember you LostRock. When did you come to HBO though?
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
cold...you and Main are both regulars. But what were talking about are the Old Skool regulars, Me, Nosolee, Alpha Lance, And Sterfry. We were around while you were still looking longingly at Halo in the display case of Wal-mart, Target, etc. (Dont lie about that. I did it too;) )
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
looking back at my first story, I think I came here about March 2003.
The NEW Zak
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Actually, I've been around for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time, I just haven't posted a story until about roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago. Let's see.........I've been on(reading) FanFic since June, 2003. Tommorow's my 1 year anniversary on FanFic. Anyway, what does it take for a guy to become a regular on here?
CoLd BlooDed
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Honestly, I never did stare at Halo at Wal-Mart, as soon as I got the Xbox I rented Halo. Then for Christmas, I asked for it.

That's how I got Halo.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
there should be a halo movie. had to get that out
Gold Elite
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
My best friend and I got X-Boxes last Christmas, but I had played Halo for the first time on Thanksgiving, 2002. I sat awake at nights, wondering if I'd get an X-Box. When I did, I got some racing game with it, a controller, and that's about it.
