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Fan Fiction

The Battle For Sigma Octanus 3
Posted By: moniter101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 February 2003, 12:01 am

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(Sigma Octanus UNSC Military base 05:10 hours)
Colonel Smith stared with a blank look on his face. The sheer numbers of the enemy left him dumfound. The aliens who were exiting the dropships were not all grunts, several commander elites in gold armor jumped out. Hundreds of jackals took point strategically putting their plasma shields at the front. The covenant began advancing from all directions instead of charging the base head on.
       Stacker jumped out of the warthog. He took a knee and began to search for targets. Marines were already shooting at the jackals but the rounds just bounced off their shields.
      He began to feel something hitting his head. Stacker looked up, hundreds of spent casings were raining down on him from the 50 Cal. Stacker ran away from the warthog to avoid the distraction. Just as he did a plasma grenade landed on the gunner. The warthog exploded.
       Stacker lobbed a grenade at the jackals. The explosion tore through their shields sending shrapnel into the crowd of grunts who were standing behind the jackals. The jackals stopped advancing and began firing. Hundreds of grunts ran towards the base.
      Stacker picked off a few grunts. He killed two jackals. An elite came from behind him and shot the marine crouching next to him with a needler. Stacker jumped up and fired. The elites shields flared as the bullets bounced off. He empted the clip as the elite's shield was disabled. Stacker quickly pulled his pistol from its holster and fired a volley of rounds into its chest. The elite grunted as the armor piercing rounds tore through it. Purple blood splashed onto Stacker. He ejected the spent clip and reloaded.
Several men were getting hit. One marine was hit in the knee, the lower half of his leg was mangled. Another man was about to throw a grenade when a plasma grenade landed on his foot. The man screamed as the grenade sizzled then exploded sending the marine into the air. He landed next to Stacker. Stacker looked at him, his legs were masses of blood and gore and his face was badly burned. Stacker looked away in disgust. He knew the marine was dead.
      Stacker saw a few men with sniper rifles he quickly ran to them. "You boys better get on top of a building sniper rifles are no more use at this range" he said. "Roger that sir we'll take out the jackals and elites an' leave the grunts to you guys" the marine replied. Stacker nodded and aimed for more targets.
       Stacker could see tracer rounds ricochet off the jackal's shields. One round bounced off and ripped through his shoulder. Stacker yelled in pain as the armor piercing bullet exited through his shoulder. Almost immediately a grunt shot several needles at him. Most missed him but two hit him in the same shoulder that the round tore through. The needles exploded. Blood sprayed from the wound. Stacker screamed in pain. He fired at the grunt with his usable arm. The grunt's throat was torn open as the rounds ripped through it. "Dammit" Stacker hissed. He tried to ignore the pain but it was too intense.
       Medic Sam Jones was covered in blood. He ran from one wounded man to the next.
He had been ordered to make a casualty count by some sergeant. So far he had counted ninety six. A lot of men who he had been helping had died. Jones thought it was the end of humanity. It was a desperate struggle to hold the covenant at bay. Their only cover was snipers who were taking out the bigger targets. The marine forces of the base were down to 150 men (there was 300 men at first). There were only five warthogs left. Only two badly damaged scorpions were still fighting a losing battle.
      Jones saw Stacker who was his fire team's commanding officer. Jones ran up to him ducking every so often from the continuous fire. "Sarge you all right" he asked? I'm ok just got a bad shoulder wound" He replied. "Here sir let me patch ya up". Jones saw just how deep the wound was. The bullet that had ricocheted off the jackals shield had gone right through the bone. But the plasma melted the skin right off and most of the bone. Jones filled the wound up with bio foam and wrapped some gauze over it and fixed a field dressing around it. Stacker felt a prick as Jones injected painkiller into him. "There ya go sarge you shouldn't feel a thing. Stacker was surprised that he could actually move his arm. He thanked Jones and got up. He reloaded and fired off a few more rounds.
      Suddenly someone shouted over the pops of gunfire "Banshees". Stacker turned around and sure enough two Banshees whooshed overhead. Colonel Smith's voice crackled over the comm net "Sergeant Stacker if your still alive then get your ass up to command".
Stacker didn't even bother to answer. He scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could to the command building.
      "Thank god your still alive we got covies swarming all over this damn base." Smith said nervously. "I know sir were down to the last few hogs." Stacker said. "I know Once the scorpions are destroyed were all screwed and me-Smith was cut off by a techs voice. "Sir two warthogs destroyed one scorpion tank beyond repair Cote d'Azur has sent a distress signal." "Oh god help them look Stacker I'm sending you and a fire team to go aid Cote d' Azur take the few remaining hogs and get the hell over there." Smith said.
      Before Stacker could respond the ground shook and a blinding flash lit up the command room. The windows around the room shattered. Stacker fell to the floor and shielded himself with his arms from the shards of glass that fell on him. "What the hell was that" Smith barked. "Sir the barracks are gone." a tech said. Smith jumped to his feet and screamed into the intercom. "All men fall back to secondary positions set up a perimeter all medics bring what wounded you can to the medic compound and marines find what weapons you can and conserve your ammo fire team Alpha report to command I want three warthogs on standby in front of command now." He turned around and faced Stacker. "Good luck sergeant we'll do what we can I've already called for an evac and give em' hell". They shook hands and Stacker was out the door.
       Fire team Charlie was already waiting for orders. "Listen up were taken the remaining warthogs and are going to help Corte D' Azures now load up." Stacker ducked as plasma shot passed him. He told the men in the hogs to exit and go help the few remaining marines. Stacker got into the passenger seat of a warthog. Corporal Harland manned the 50.cal in another. All the marines were loaded on and the hogs sped away towards Cote d' Azur.
