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Fan Fiction

The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 2
Posted By: moniter101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 6 February 2003, 3:52 am

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(Sigma Octanus UNSC Military base 05:00 hours)
      Stacker looked in disbelieve as thousands of grunts charged towards the base. Several elites were among them. In back of the massive armada of covenant troops were wraith tanks. Jackals brought up the rear.
      " Sound the alarm get ever man who can fight get the scorpion tanks manned and ready I want warthogs to counter attack those wraiths and hurry" Smith ordered. "Stacker get your marines ready were gonna have one hell of a fight". Stacker nodded and ran out to the barracks. "Men were already getting their gear on. " Hurry up we got at least a thousand or so grunts charging this place the turrets can't hold them off for long" He shouted. He ran to the armory and got an MA2B assault rifle. He picked up a couple of grenades and holstered an M6D pistol.
      Private Nick Olsen fired away with the 50.cal mounted on a guard tower. The first wave of grunts fell as the armor piercing rounds ripped through them. Hot plasma bolts zipped past him. The grunts shot in every direction. Every plasma bolt missed him. He fired until his shoulders went numb. A grunt got a lucky shot and hit the barrel of the gun it melted.
      Stacker ran outside, the gun turrets were beginning to where off. He quickly raised his MA2B as two grunts came running at him. Blue blood splashed from the wounds as they fell. A plasma grenade came from some where and stuck to the marine standing next to him. Stacker jumped to the ground as the grenade exploded tearing the marine apart.
      Stacker's mouth had a metallic taste stuck to it. His ears rung, when he finally came to himself a lot of bodies surrounded him. Grunts were running cowardly away. A warthog pulled up to him the passenger seat empty. "Sir get in we gotta take out those wraiths'' the driver yelled. He nodded his head and got in.
      "What's your name soldier'' he asked. " Harland sir corporal James Harland" the marine answered. It was a bumpy ride as the warthog drove over the sea of bodies.
      Stacker looked around to see six scorpion tanks scorched and burning. Their metal bodies melted from plasma, a lot of human bodies surrounded each of them.
      The warthog came to a halt. Ahead scorpions and wraiths were exchanging fire. Marines were hiding behind destroyed warthogs as hundreds of elites shot a salvo of plasma at them. The gunner hosed down the few remaining grunts scattered around.
      Stacker fired into the crowds of elites their shields became visible as the rounds bounced off them. Over head one longsword was airborne and it took out the elites. The wraiths erupted into flame as it dropped bombs on them. "Damn I love the smell of victory," Stacker smiled.
      Suddenly one of the few remaining warthogs flipped over from an explosion. "What the hell was that?" Harland looked surprised. "Banshees" someone screamed over the command net. Stacker looked to see four Banshees swooping down for gun runs.
      The gunner took one out as he unleashed a full auto spray at it. Another was destroyed by a jackhammer rocket. The last two were taken out by the longsword. A bright white flash caused the longsword to catch fire. "Mayday mayday were going down" the pilot's voice was heard in the comm link. "What the hell is going on" Harland screamed.
      Stacker's mouthed dropped he could only guess how many covenant dropships there were. "Colonel Smith were gonna need a lot a help." he said into the comm link. Most of the dropships were headed in the direction of Corte d' Azures. A major population center. "Everyone back to the base now damn it" he screamed into the comm link.
      Smith's eyes widened as the he watched the covenant dropships fly by. He counted seventeen that landed behind the base and twenty in front. The rest flew off in the direction of Corte d' Azures. "Get as many men as you can to protect the front of the base and the rest in the back their going to try and flank us" he barked out his orders. "And each of you get a weapon". He watched as the longsword fighter crashed into the ground and erupted into a fire ball. This was going to be one hell of a fight indeed.      
