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Fan Fiction

Human Elite Ch 4
Posted By: Tinmad!<Tinmad773@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 October 2003, 9:16 PM

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Human Elite- Chapter 4

Ticennaqilla had quickly turned the prison complex into a mildly presentable barracks. It was organized down to the minutest detail. Weapons storage, mostly Covenant weaponry but some human, a generator room, with the ingenuity of the elite Wakl' they were able to tap into a power line and due a lot with a little by using a single covenant generator, a storage room for plasma grenades only, separated into either small bronze orbs that could be used to make the actual grenade or the useable metallic blue ones, and then another room to store two grenade machines that would infuse the bland bronze orbs with the same properties of the blue ones with the entire process taking about a good hour with the minimal power that they had.

The living quarters were assigned according to rank and specialties. Which still pretty much separated each species if only by a few feet. With the warden's offices being inhabited by the grunt Knap, Wakl', and Ticennaqilla. The jackal Grog had refused to have an important room and demanded that he be allowed to live with his brothers.

And too much of Ticennaqilla's delight they happened to have hands on a machine that changed the colors of armor to suit rank. Immediately he had all of his troops change their armor, regardless of rank after all it would be dangerous to have that obvious of a difference in rank because then Covenant assassins and snipers would have it way too easy, to the color of steel gray. You know, to suit the urban environment. All the preparations to complete a fully equipped military station were complete. And all it took was two weeks. But things still did not feel right. Ticennaqilla did not feel comfortable with only… maybe thirty soldiers. So he waited…

But as fate would have it he was not forced to wait long. Only a week of diligent patience had proved well when Knap and a small squad of his own came running through the huge steel doors that led into the complex yelling. Ticennaqilla was summoned by Wakl' to the barracks where Knap came forward and shouted his report.

"Lord Ticennaqilla some of my friends who wish to join are in trouble!" Knap squealed.

"Where are they!?" Ticennaqilla yelled back struggling to keep a smile from his face.

"They are dug in at an bombed out command post just North of the service elevator!"

"How many are attacking them?"

"When we left only four ghosts, two hunters, and maybe ten elites and fifteen jackals."

Ticennaqilla thought for a moment before turning to Wakl' and saying, "Round up all the troops. You command the hunters and ten of the grunts. I'll take the rest. We can form a more accurate plan when we see the field."

Wakl' straightened up and saluted, "Sir!" And he was off to rally the troops.

While he, Ticennaqilla, went to ammo storage and picked a plasma pistol as well as a human pistol. The former for knocking out any elite's or jackal's shielding and the latter for sniping and finishing the enemy's off. And then he waited as his army of rebels filled in and took their weapons. Ticennaqilla encouraged five of his grunts that would be under his command to choose needlers to quickly take down the somewhat large force of elite's. He then pulled on outdated marine Corp. armor for at least some safety before boarding the lift all the others.

Ticennaqilla had already admitted to himself that he should have let some stay behind to continue rebel actions… at least until he saw how many would-be rebel Covenant shooting from inside the now ten-story hospital. There were more floors before mortar fire. There had to have been forty grunts and ten jackals pinned down inside it. Along with God knows how many supplies. They had too take it but it wouldn't be easy… far from it in fact.

The former Covenant CP was positioned on a field with buildings, but not the sky scrapers that dominated the central are of the city, along the perimeter of the field. And on them, positioned carefully as to have fire from all directions, six shades on top of them. And by now the amount of loyal Covenant had swelled to 10 ghosts, four hunters, and exactly twenty-three elites and twenty jackals. And to add too the fun three banshees were strafing the building and occasionally fired its devastating fuel rod cannon at it.

"Shit…" Ticennaqilla whispered to himself. "Wakl' your in charge of taking out the three shades on this side while my force will see if we can get those ghosts or banshees to follow us so you guys can take the roof's. And don't worry all you have to do is scale one of these buildings cause they are connected at the top by bridges so pick one and do it!"

* * *

The elite piloting one of the banshees started to receive damage but from no plasma weapon. J'nai stopped firing on the building and banked towards the edge of the field and saw flashes of light in a small pile of rubble. Were the humans already in this part of the city? It didn't seem possible so he directed one of his wingmen to the snipers position to properly identify the target. And then silently cursed the scout banshee as it chased the sniper out of its position and followed it a little into the city before being fired upon by volleys of plasma bolts from bellow. The banshee exploded as it tried to pull up and the remains of it crashed on a building harboring a shade sending shrapnel everywhere killing all that were positioned up there save a few who would never see again.
At this exact time a green plasma bolt was lobbed out of a window and collided with another banshee sending it crashing down into the field below making a small crater of six jackals and two elites. Then another bolt was let loose from a lower level which just missed a ghost but with enough force to throw it and the elite piloting it into a hunter. But J'nai learned from these experiences. He would never again allow an excess of troops on the field, too much collateral damage. But this lesson was not with out a high price. Already Wakl's force had stormed onto the roof where the first banshee went down and assigned a grunt to the shade, which proceeded to lay suppressive fire on another rooftop, which just happened to kill most of its occupants. J'nai wanted to attack the roofs but he knew he would most certainly die because of the hunters. But he did do one quick fly by.

J'nai noticed the rebel covenant were armored in gray. And he also saw one elite leading them. He committed that image of the elite to memory because for now at least he was probably the leader. But for now he would lend support for the assaulting force by circling high and waiting for the rebel forces to emerge onto the field… but this was not meant to be. Wakl' force had completely decimated the enemy's stationed on the roof's by use of the shades, of which two of the three were now firing at J'nai's banshee. And the two hunter brothers had started to bombard the enemy covenant below with their fuel rod cannons.

Within two minutes there were only two ghosts left and a virtually empty path to the building. By now J'nai had pulled away to a safer vantage point and watched as Ticennaqilla lead his squad into battle against the remaining elites and jackals that had by now panicked and were scattered all over the field which was littered with debris and craters.

Ticennaqilla charged at the front of his soldiers and tackled a jackal to the ground and proceeded to beat the crap out of it before ripping off its arm shield and attaching it to his own arm. During all this the rebel jackals had split into even groups and had lined up opposite of each other to provide cover for the grunts to fire at the loyalist Covenant that were still on the other side of the building. The evacuation of the rebels started as soon as Ticennaqilla was greeted enthusiastically in the Covenant CP by about ten grunts and another ten jackals. They quickly informed him that there were twenty more jackals, three elites, and forty more grunts still inside. Through all of this he was smiling.

With as many troops as he had now he could destroy the remaining loyal Covenant. It would be easy. But then logic conquered his personal feelings so he then commanded that everyone be evacuated a few at a time but first the jackals to make a better path by using their shields. From there the rest of the battle was easy. The loyal Covenant could not advance any farther, for at the exact moment Ticennaqilla walked into the CP the two hunter brothers took out the remaining to ghosts, because of the constant barrage from the shades and the shielding of the jackals.

Ticennaqilla was the last one out the door along with ten grunts that had volunteered to stay until he left. He jogged in front of them and watched as Wakl's forces disappeared from the roofs and back into the building. It was at this precise time that he heard the scream of J'nai's banshee. He froze and stood his ground and motioned for the grunts to flee.

J'nai smiled to himself as he brought the human into his crosshairs. The leader was the human! He knew the instant he looked into Ticennaqilla's eyes who at this time was raising his pistol filled with a clip of armor-piercing rounds and took careful aim at the fuel pods hanging onto the banshee's wings. He fired and missed, again a miss, then J'nai fired four bolts of bluish-white plasma before the next bullet collided into the fuel tank, piercing it, and igniting the contents inside. The wing exploded and sent J'nai into an uncontrolled dive towards the ground. But one of his plasma bolts had hit Ticennaqilla… right in the chest, piercing what armor he had on instantly. Ticennaqilla, the former boy, merely gasped and collapsed to the ground losing consciousness.

Wakl' stood at the edge of the field and watched him go down. He let out the biggest war cry and rushed onto the field cutting down one elite which had neared his God while the hunters behind him opened fire on some jackals that were not far behind the dead elite. Wakl' lifted Ticennaqilla off the ground as two of the new rebel elites rushed to his side and explained that he might be saved. Wakl' listened and then sprinted to the CP with the others trying to keep up.

Wakl' rushed through the dimly lit building to the machine he was searching for. He then carefully layed down the boy on the table and strapped him down before injecting a needled filled with a pulsating blue substance. He then ran over to the controls of the machine and programmed it to Ticennaqilla's weight, height, etc, and punched the "Go" button. The machine was designed to infuse the armor onto the elites as a second skin. It was designed for elite's. Ticennaqilla should have died but instead his eyes opened up which were now glowing blue.

There are screams… And there are screams. Even Wakl' flinched at the sounds that could not possibly be tearing from the human's mouth. Ticennaqilla's body twisted and writhed as pieces of armor of a substance totally unknown to humans burned itself onto him. Deep down in the boy's head he felt his way of thinking being twisted and reformed to a higher state of organization and speed. He was evolving. The armor took on a different color and shape when it attached to him. It melted into a metallic sage green color and its shape turned into something more medieval. The helmet reformed and had an almost small fin like shape trailing off the back, the chest piece became sharper and more defined, along with every other piece. His fingers become slightly sharper and more claw like and his feet sort of recessed in and became slightly rounded. But worst of all the changes was that to his face which lay somewhere between the smooth human and sharp jawed Covenant elite.

He was no longer human… but something more. Something… undefined. But the closest most direct word would be that he was a Human Elite…

* * *

Ahhh…It feels good to finish this chapter. Did you like? The random quote of the chapter is, "Power corrupts; Absolute power is kinda neat though." See you next time…Oh and go to this group, "groups.yahoo.com/group/VariousFanFiction/" without the quotes of course. And join it! I command you to…At the very least look at it. And oh yeah REVIEW!
