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Fan Fiction

Human Elite Ch 3
Posted By: Tinmad!<Tinmad773@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 October 2003, 9:13 PM

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Human Elite- Chapter 3

The boy was sitting quietly in a dark corner of the room he had designated for the meeting of the Covenant who would start the rebellion. His dark eyes studying and taking in all the details of the plasma pistol he had previously collected from the wandering grunts. It amazed him how all the power came from a battery. Maybe he would be the first with his army to mix human with alien. To form a completely original war machine. It would be feared by all… but first it would have to be formed. Oh what I glorious thought.

He was just about to leave when he heard the metal walkways leading to the room vibrating. He immediately pulled himself into the dark embrace of the pipes and aimed his gun at the door…just in case. Luckily he would not have to fight as he recognized the grunt Knap. And he was followed by an elite, a jackal, and two hunters. The elite leaned onto a large pipe running through the wall next to the entrance, the two hunters crouched down into their shiny blue suits in one corner, leaving the jackal and grunt to another corner.

The boy however did not so much as blink fearing betrayal. Because everyone was now out get him, just as he was out to get all of them. To think any other way would be illogical and fatal. So instead he just watched and listened. He tried to follow the conversation between the elite and the grunt but he could not understand one word they were saying. All that he could deduce was that the elite was starting to get scared and impatient. It was then that the boy decided that the chance had to be taken and walked out into the dim light in the room. In fact not one of the Covenant even noticed him but the keen senses of the jackal had not been fooled by the darkness or the disgusting smell of sewage. In fact he had registered the boys presence the second he sat down but had mentioned that knowledge to no one.

It was not until the boy spoke that the others saw him. "Me being native to this planet may I be the first to say welcome to Earth." The elite and hunters immediately pulled the guns up and aimed at him. The boy turned to face the elite and handed it the gun so it was aiming at himself. The elite lowered his rifle and took the pistol and nodded.

"You! I've got great news!" Knap suddenly exploded giddily.

The boy faced the grunt and asked, "So how many have you recruited?"

The grunt giggled too himself and proudly announced, "Well besides these, twenty of my kind and seven jackals. Oh and also we have loads of provisions waiting on the lift and about ten more of my kind stayed back to recruit more!" He knew that there was only eight grunts recruiting but ten was more pleasing to the ear.

The boy smiled and stated, "Very good… It has just occurred to me that I do not know your name, or anybody's for that matter."

"Well this elite is…" Knap stopped talking and looked at the elite which stared back at him.

Then the elite reached up and pressed down and moved a small piece of his armor just below his neck until it briefly changed to lime green then back to the normal blue. "I'm Wakl'" the elite coughed.

"Nice to meet you," the boy said with a wry smile.

The elite grunted in response.

Knap then pointed to the jackal in the corner, "Over there's Grog… he can't speak your language."

The jackal snorted and made a strange noise.

"Oh… sorry," Knap whispered. He then looked back up at the boy. "Apparently he can understand us its just that he doesn't have his helmet to translate what he says." To this the jackal stroked his thin strip of hair that was in the style of a Mohawk.

"Well that just about leaves those two," the boy pointed over his shoulder.

"How did I forget them?" Knap asked himself while leaned to see by the human and said, "That's Q'uai… I mean Q'wan. And that's his brother is Q'uai. Yeah that's right."

"Oh-kay… So… Where are the troops?" the boy turned his gaze down to the grunt.

"I'm afraid you can't see them just yet."

Suddenly the boy knew something bad was about to happen. "Why?"

"Because… Wakl' no!" the grunt screamed as the elite closed his claw around the boy's neck and slammed him against the concrete wall.

The boy tried to breath but he couldn't feel anything anymore. He just stared into Wakl's dark deep eyes… An explosion of hate and rage wracked his body and he slowly started to pry the elite's fingers off one by one. The elite's jaw dropped open. The puny human was over powering him and as soon as he looked into the boy's eyes he understood everything. The glint in the boy's eyes signaled he was special. And would fight to the death of his chosen cause. This was something that Wakl' loved more than anything. And that thing he saw in the boy was true Honor.

The elite dropped the boy and backed off into a corner and coughed, "I understand everything now…" Wakl' walked over to the boy, who was on his knees still struggling to get his breath back, and dropped to one knee and put his arm across his chest and spoke confidently, "I am yours to command… Ticennaqilla."

Ticennaqilla slowly lifted his head to the elite and whispered hoarsely, "What is 'Ticennaqilla'?"

The elite helped Ticennaqilla and explained, "Way back before we followed the rule of the Covenant we had our own heroes and gods. Ticennaqilla was the warrior-king who was a god in the guise of the most unpredictable creature. And it was said that he appears every time our race loses Honor. And now you are He. Ticennaqilla."

* * *
FUN FACT: Ticennaqilla (Tice-sen-a-keeya) Help a little?
* * *

"Really?" the boy said with a shocked expression.

"Yes Lord Ticennaqilla, you are, and I will follow you until the end," The elite explained.

Ticennaqilla laughed and exclaimed, "That won't be necessary. I plan on all of us to live."

"Now come my Lord… You must greet your army."

* * *

Ticennaqilla couldn't have prepared himself for the sight of his own army. Even the fact that he only had twenty-seven troops, not counting the ones that greeted him, at his command was still exhilarating. His dream was finally becoming a reality. Sure they weren't loyal yet and may insult him for being a human but he would be far to busy to care much what horrible things were on their minds. The collective opinion would change in time. But now there was a list of objectives to be completed before any military action could be taken. The supplies must be organized and stored in specific parts of the old jail complex; the troops must be given quarters and food, the armor must change visibly to the colors that they would fight under; and a medal or a special rank for Knap would have to be given.

Now was a time for preparation. He felt the time of war drawing closer, steadily, and never faltering in its approach. Soon…. But not soon enough…

Boring yes? That's why I'm releasing the next chapter at the same time. And the random quote of the chapter is, "The point of war is not to die for your country, but make the other bastard die for his!"
