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Fan Fiction

Halo2: The Covenant Wars
Posted By: Thomas Harper<madden2482@comcast.net>
Date: 17 December 2003, 1:18 PM

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The Master Chief stomped down on the accelerator of his ATV and shot forward. Plasma bolts whizzed past him, slamming into trees as the Master Chief swerved around them. Pvt. Johnson swerved around a tree, missing it by inches, and looked back. Two Banshees were closing in on them and firing their plasma cannons along the way. A plasma bolt struck the ground next to the Master Chief, sending his ATV onto two wheels and through the four foot wide gap between two trees.

Up ahead was the entrance to HQ. Two marines were up ahead by the entrance kneeling down with jackhammer missile launchers on their shoulders. There was a pop, follow by the trail of smoke of two missile as they left their launching tubes of the two jackhammer missile launchers and soared through the air to intercept the two Banshees. Both the Master Chief and Pvt. Johnson ducked as the two missiles past over head and slammed into their targets. The two Banshees erupted into two crimson and orange fire balls.

One Hour Later
After a long and well deserved shower, the Master Chief walked out of his tent and over to Sargent Miller who was waiting by the mission briefing tent. HQ consisted of marines barracks, a mission briefing tent, a well guarded ammo locker that was the size of about four regular tents, sleeping quarters for the high ranking officers and the Master Chief had his own tent. There were also four stationary machine guns guarding each of the entrances and exits. It could probably hold off a small covenant army for a short time.

The Master Chief walked up to Sargent Miller and saluted. " Sir reporting as ordered sir." Said the Master Chief. " At ease son." Replied Sargent Miller. The Master Chief dropped his salute and walked into the tent after the Sargent. " Can you tell me what the heck happened out there." Asked Sargent Miller. " Yes sir. We were engaged by covenant forces during a routine patrol, sir." Answered the Master Chief. " Very well then," Replied Sargent Miller, "Your new mission is this. UNSC's ground forces have been engaged by the covenant and need immediate help. They are located here, and have been giving the covenant a real strong fight." Explained Sargent Miller as he pointed at locations on a map.

" So you want me to go in there and get them out?" Asked the Master Chief. " Precisely." Replied the Sargent. " Ok, I'll do it." Informed the Master Chief. " Good. Dust off in thirty minutes so be ready." Replied Sargent Miller. " Sir yes sir." Said the Master Chief and gave a crisp salute before turning on his heels and marching out.

Thirty-five Minutes Later

The Master Chief and his team of marines hopped into the Pelican as it hovered a few inches off the ground waiting. The Master Chief sat down and took out his MA7B assault rifle and checked the magazine. Empty. That figures. Thought the Master Chief as he replaced the empty magazine with a full one. " ETA in 30 minutes," Announced Cortana over the com channel, " So lets brief the mission. This is how its goin to work.

" There is a army of about 1,000 Covenant forces that we have to over take, and at the same time rescue some UNSC's ground forces who have been engaged by Covenant forces. Any questions? Asked Cortana. " No. Ok then lets get ready for a hell of a fight." Said Cortana. " 1,000 of them and 24 of us. " Pys-poor odds for the little guys." Said a marine joking. The Master Chief laughed at the joke and went back to work. He sat down his MA7B assault rifle and picked up his double barreled shotgun. This time the clip was full. What a surprise. Thought the Master Chief to him self.

" How the heck did the Covenant find earth?" Asked a marine. " I don't know but what I do know is that the Covenant are goin to pay for their slaughters." Replied Sargent Warner. " Hey guys...." " Watch it." " O sorry. Hey guys and g-i-r-l-s girls. Is that better?" "Yes it is Pvt. Thank you." " As I was. Hey guys and girls guess what? Sargent Warner actually knows something." Exclaimed Pvt. Resh followed by laughter.

" Hahaha. So very funny. Next time why don't you shut it or you will be the only person in heaven in a wheel chair." Replied Sargent Warner. "Marines pull yourself together and concentrate on the task in front of us." Said the Master Chief. " Sir, yes sir!" Shouted a handful of marines. " Alright! Now, if all you girls are done with your jabbering.... " Sir yes we are sir! " .... " Alright that's what I like to hear. Lets move out then!"

They marched on for about a mile and a half when the scout in the front of the line signaled to stop and hold positions. The Master Chief slowly walked up to the scout from his position in the back, being the tail scout, in a crouching position. " What's going on?" Whispered the Master Chief quietly. The scout didn't answer but instead pointed to a position about 55 yards off to their right. The Master Chief nodded and turned around to face the eager waiting marines. He held up his right hand and pointed to the right and towards the enemy contact. Then he whispered, " Im going to try and sneak around the back of this building and see if I can get a spot on top to snipe them."

The marines acknowledge lights winked on, and then they patted their guns meaning that they will give him cover fire if needed. The Master Chief made a ok sign with his fingers and then moved on, past the front scout and around the building's corner. He stopped for a brief second to evaluate his situation. There was about two brutes and three or four Jackals standing in front of a building about four buildings down, talking or something like that.

As he approached the far side of the building he heard some rustling around the corner. The Master Chief stopped and put his back to the building, then took out his SMG's, since he needed to save the MA7B assault rifle for the sniping. The Master Chief counted to 5, and then rolled out from his cover with guns at ready. " Gees." Mumbled the Master Chief when he realized that it was just a stray fur ball that humans call a cat. [He remembered reading that once.] Now more alert, the Master Chief kept his SMG's out, and continued at a slow steady pace. He soon found a latter towards the middle of the building and started up. When he reached the top he hopped up and onto the surface of the building and pulled out his MA7B assault rifle.

The Master Chief then laid flat on his stomach with the gun's tripod out, steadied his weaponed on the first Brute and whispered, " Enemy spotted and...." BAM!! " Tango down." At this state the rest of the Covenant took cover and returned fire. BAM!! BAM!! Two more went down and fell into their own blue and orange blood. A burst of gun fire came from below and a Jackal and a Brute went down. " All enemy contacts neutralized." Informed the Master Chief after a quick look through the scope.


As soon as the Master Chief came back down and took his place in line, they continued on. They hadn't gone far when forhammer radioed in through th comm channel saying, " Master Chief this is forhammer, do you read?" " Forhammer this is cortana, we read you just find." " Im headed your way with two warthogs and a Scorpion." " Good we could use some transportation down here." " Well then its your lucky day. ETA in 2 minutes, meet me at north of 24th street." " Yes ma'am." Replied the Master Chief.


About 4 minutes later, the Master Chief and his team of marines moved out and headed, in there two warthogs and one scorpion with the Master Chief driving the scorpion, towards....well to tell you the truth really no where just where ever the Covenant was. They moved out in a formation with the scorpion in the middle and the two warthogs, one on either side. All of the sudden the warthog on the right flipped over as an explosion landed right next to it. The driver never made it out but the gunner and the passenger got out and sprinted behind the warthog which was now on its side.

The Master Chief turned the barrel towards a group which consisted of one Hunter, and two Brutes and then fired. The hunter and one of the brutes went flying through the air and slammed into a building across the war zone and exploded into orange blood. The other warthog slammed on its brakes and the driver and passengers jumped out and dove around the corner behind another building, just as the warthog exploded into a green fireball.

" Damn!" Shouted the Master Chief as he spun the cannon around once more and aimed at an old run down car where a hunter was hiding. An explosion rocked the tank as left over fuel from the car ignited and exploded. Orange blood splattered the front of the Scorpion tank as it drove by. The Master Chief slammed on the brakes and one marine went flying off the front, but scrambled back to his feet, and followed the Master Chief and the rest of the squad as they scrambled out and off of the Scorpion tank. The Master Chief sprinted towards the up turned warthog and dove behind it, just as a plasma grenade went off.

" Sir we are surrounded..... what should we do?" Nervously asked a marine. " Just follow me and do what I do and you'll be fine." Replied the Master Chief. " Thank you sir." Said the marine. " Lets move!" The Master Chief rolled out from behind the warthog with guns blazing. Two Grunts fell into a heap of their own blood as a Jackal flew backwards from the explosion of a marines frag grenade. " Damn that was close!" Shouted a marine, as they made it to the other warthog and took cover there. The Master Chief took out his double barrel shotgun and checked the clip.

" Still full." Mumble the Master Chief. Without wasting another second the Master Chief leaned out of his hiding spot, but quickly pulled his head back in as a plasma bolt went whizzing past. " Damn! They have us all cramped up!" Shouted the Master Chief in frustration. One marine tried to lean out but lost half his head by a yet another plasma bolt. " Oh hell no!" A marine shouted as he rolled out from his cover and fired. A Grunt took 4 or 5 rounds in the head and went down.

The marine then adjusted his aim and let loose half a clip into an Elite's chest and then finally was brought down by a Jackal. The marine took the plasma bolt in the leg, but managed to crawl back behind the warthog. After a congratulations from just about ever marine hiding in that spot, he laid back and past out. " Lock and load!" Shouted the Master Chief, " And give me some cover fire. Im goin out!" Without waiting for a reply, he jumped out and pumped a round right into a Elites head. Something struck him from behind and his shield bar went down an eighth.

The Master Chief turned around and saw a Grunt and fired. The shotgun kicked, and the grunt plastered against the wall of a store. The Master Chief swung his whole arm around and caught another Grunt, who was trying to sneak up behind him, and sent him flying into a pile of trash. " Just where you belong." Mumbled the Master Chief. Some gun fire rained down on him from atop of a building across the street, but the Master Chief was able to dodge all of them but one which struck him on the shoulder, and his shield bar went down a 3rd of the way.

The Master Chief swung his SMG's over the top of a flipped Warthog, and fired randomly. One and a half grunts fell from the top of the building, and landed on top of a car, sounding the car alarm. " Damn! Just what we need!" Grunted the Master Chief in frustration. The Master Chief leaned out form behind the Warthog, and fired at the car with the alarm going off. The car exploded, engulfing a near by truck, and some Jackels and Grunts. The truck then exploded which started a chain reaction. Car after car exploded, sending molted medal, and alien chunks flying.

After about 10 seconds, the chain reaction finally subsided. A total of about 12 cars were burning, sending a strong odor of dead alien and gasoline into the air. " Lovely." Chuckled the Master Chief as he reloaded his gun. " Grenade!!!!" Shouted a marine. To late, a plasma grenade landed on the Master Chief's head and stuck there. " Shit!" Was all he could say.

5....4.... " Shit." ....3....2.... " Damn." ....1. The Master Chief braced himself, but nothing happened. The Master Chief opened one eye, then the other, and sighed with relief. Great, so now I have a fire works display on the top of my head. Well that makes me a target. Thought the Master Chief. Plasma bolts struck the ground around him, and broke his strand of thought.

The Master Chief looked around but couldn't find the source of the fire. BAM!! A round from a sniper rifle whizzed past his right side of his helmet. " What the...." Was all the Master Chief said before he turned around, and noticed that there was a Elite, with a Plasma rifle pointed an inch form the back of his head, dead where a round from a sniper rifle had stricken it right between the eyes.

The Master Chief turned back around and noticed a marine with a smoking sniper rifle pointed out from behind the scorpion. The Master Chief mouthed a shocked thank you. The marine nodded and reloaded. Sir, there are no more reported Covenant in the area." Reported Cortana. " Are there anymore on Earth?" Asked the Master Chief. " Searching Covenant battle net.....I don't understand....." Said Cortana. " What?" Replied the Master Chief. " There seems to be no more Covenant Aliens on earth at all. Replied Cortana. " So." Said the Master Chief casually. " So? Well the Covenant never give up this easy." Informed Cortana. " Well they did this time. So, well then lets go home." Said the Master Chief. " Yes sir." Replied Cortana.

" You heard him troops! Lets go!" Shouted cortana, again. A cheer erupted from the marines as they all scrambled onto Pelicans 4 minutes later. As happy as the Master Chief was to go home, he had a queasy feeling that maybe the Covenant hadn't given up, but were just planning something big. So big and secret that not even USNC intelligence knew about it. The Master Chief adjusted how he was sitting and let his thoughts wonder as they lifted from the battle that they had just fought, but yet it seemed so ancient, and headed home....for good.

Author's note- Hey sup hoped u like it. Sorry it took forever to write another one, but I've been busy. Read my next on ok. Oh and if you have any suggestions, you can email me at diehard21210@comcast.net .Cya!
