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Fan Fiction

Ghosts of REACH: Part 1:Bravo Base
Posted By: The First Spartan<workinwcj_888@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 June 2005, 8:30 PM

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0820 Hours, February 10, 2565 (Military Calendar) /
Sol System, Earth, New Delphi, Iceland
"All conditions go for SkyCarrier?" asked pilot Jehovah White to control. "Roger, all conditions go for SkyCarrier, over." Replied Co-pilot Avery Thompson. The SkyCarrier was a heavy transport used to carry heavy weapons and vehicles like artillery, Scorpion tanks, construction/repair vehicles, and crates of ammo and explosive ordinance. It essentially looked like an elongated Pelican dropship with a longer wingspan and Scorpion missiles in rocket pods. "This is ground control...you and your escorts are reading green across the board. Give 'em hell out there. For us. Over" "Affirmative ground control, I'll bring back a little somethin' for you to remember. Over" The SkyCarrier's VTOL engines suddenly produced a bright orange flare, and ignited. White pushed the trust lever and rocketed into the sky, along with the SkyHawk Fighters.
Three hours of flying through the torturous snow and wind, they finally reached Bravo Base. There was a flurry of activity as marines prepped their Warthogs, Scorpions, and other vehicles for the snowy conditions. The elites checked their Ghosts, Banshees, and Wraiths if they were battle worthy. They just got wind that the Covenant had demolished and glassed Delta Base. The Elites just hated the Covenant, plain and simple.
"Bravo Base, the cavalry has arrived. This is SkyCarrier Anaconda II. See if you can set up a LZ for us out of the snow. Over." "Anaconda II, sure thing, just make sure those SkyHawk fighters are armed and ready for a fight. We'll refuel them when they get on the ground. Over." The VTOL engines whined when White was touching down. *Thump* "The bird has landed. It's safe to begin unloading, over." Engineers both with and without loading suits swarmed in to begin unloading the much needed supplies and construction equipment. With the necessary equipment, Bravo Base could build SAM sites with Swallow Surface-to-Air missiles, gattling guns, and Gauss Cannons. Bravo Base would not fall.

Ninth Age of Reclamation, Camp of Recovery / Sol System
Earth, New Delphi, Iceland
Tarnerus gazed over the army of the Covenant. Almost 10,000 Covenant soldiers, readying themselves for the siege. His gaze wandered over to his brutes, bundled for war and the cold weather. They were his pride and joy. Trained from a young age, they would all be worthy opponents in the battlefield. He walked down to the brutes behind his own, the pilots of the Wraiths. "Get ready to enter the tanks, and move up onto that first ridge up there," He gestured toward the ridge. "And begin bombardment after two cycles. You will not fail me." He looked at every pilot. Each one was eager to begin. Good, he thought, the humans will not withstand such firepower...and eagerness.

2152 Hours, February 10, 2565 (Military Calendar) /
Sol System, Earth, New Delphi
The pelican dropship entered Bravo Base. Corporal Hayfield flagged the dropship down with a fluorescent flare. When the dropship touched down, a dozen of armored giants climbed out. He recognized the lead one easily. It was the Master Chief. He had survived Alpha and Delta Halo, the flood, dozens of battles, and had infiltrated the Covenant ship, "High Charity".
Hayfield took a step back as he fully took in the giant. "Corporal, HighCom told us that this base was about to come under siege." "Yes, your right Chief. Our scouts have found enemy wraith tanks prepare to drive up onto the hill. We have much of our men grabbing sniper rifles and rocket launchers to head up into those sniper nests. For gate defense, we have gattling guns and Gauss Cannons. For anti-air defense, we have Sparrow SAM-sites. There anything else you think we should have or do Chief?" John surveyed Bravo Base. He could see SkyHawks in the hanger and the landing pads. Gauss Warthogs and Chain Gun warthogs, Scorpions, Wraiths, Ghosts, Banshees, and Covenant Shade turrets lined the walls, along with machine gun encampments.
"Corporal, I want you and you men to add extra protection to the power generators for the MAC Guns in orbit and this base, the communication station and the vehicle repair stations. Make no mistake, if those essential stations fall to the god-damned Covenant, we'll become little pieces of free-floating molecules. Am I clear, Corporal?" "Yes sir, crystal clear, sir! However, I need to..." The corporal was cut off by sudden explosion, followed by several subsequent explosions. Then the sound of rockets being launched and the crack of the sniper rifles had signaled the battle's start. The siege of Bravo Base had begun.


(Hope you like it, it's my first fan fiction. Enjoy!)
