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The Number of the Demon -- Prologue
Posted By: Tamarallion Arothlin<jadefalcon136@yahoo.com>
Date: 13 March 2005, 2:00 AM

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A Story in the Halo Universe

Written by Tamarallion Arothlin


The author does not own Halo, Halo 2, or any part thereof. Halo is property of Microsoft, Inc. No challenge to the status of these copyrights is intended.

I have read all of the books, but I am not in current possession of The Fall of Reach. I also do not own an Xbox, although I have played through both campaigns. Please excuse any discrepancies in the story or character.

Enough tedious stuff, enjoy!



Ninth Age of Reclamation, Step of Silence

Covenant Holy City "High Charity", Sanctum of the Hierarchs

Human Date/Time: 0734 hours, September 6, 2552

The massive doors separating the Sanctum of the Hierarchs from the rest of the holy city split down the middle and groaned as they moved apart. Light from outside poured in through the widening crack, silhouetting a single figure just outside the doorway.

At the other end of the room, two red-robed Prophets hovered silently above the raised dais in ornamented hover-thrones. One of them beckoned silently for the figure to approach.

Ship Master Rala 'Kanthamee hesitated briefly before stepping over the threshold into the Sanctum. He had to admit to himself that he was at least a little nervous being called before the Hierarchs like this. He thought that he had performed well at Reach... but Truth and Mercy could see far more clearly than he. Perhaps there was a flaw in him—

He quickly banished the thoughts and strode towards the dais, head held as high as he could without appearing too presumptuous. The Prophets did not just punish those who failed the Covenant; they also rewarded those who served the Covenant faithfully and with skill. Perhaps he had attracted their attention in a favorable way.

'Kanthamee knelt in front of the dais and bowed, touching his helmeted head to the floor before straightening. "You requested my presence, noble Prophets?"

"Indeed so," Truth replied in an even voice that held no clue to the Prophet's intent. "You were present at the assault on the human fortress world? The one they called Reach?"

'Kanthamee replied with a nod, knowing full well that Truth had full details on the entire conflict. After all, the Hierarchs could see into his very soul.

Truth regarded him a moment longer before speaking again. "Rala 'Kanthamee, you have proven to be an effective instrument against the humans time and time again. You have served the Covenant with honor and skill in a great many conflicts. I believe it is time that you were given a command that made full use of your abilities."

With a startled expression on his mandibles, 'Kanthamee glanced up. What did Truth mean by that?

"Do not look so surprised," Mercy grated, moving alongside Truth. "We noted your effectiveness against the humans and so had one of our Eyes monitor your activities. Most Ship Masters do not waste time studying human tactics, much less implementing them."

Mercy paused, and 'Kanthamee sensed that a reply was necessary. "Noble Hierarchs, the humans should have been extinguished a decade ago. Somehow, however, they resist our ground forces without the aid of the Forerunners' holy technology and the wisdom of the Prophets. I wished to discover how."

"And it seems that your discoveries have been fruitful indeed," Truth interjected. "However, time is short and I wish to come to the point." 'Kanthamee sensed a slight rebuke of Mercy in those words, but quickly quelled the thought and blanked his expression lest Mercy feel offended. "You are familiar with the demon-soldiers employed by the humans?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Ship Master 'Kanthamee growled, letting his mandibles grind a little in frustration. The armored demons had proven to be incredibly powerful and resourceful enemies. The helmet of one that he had personally slain in combat was one of his favorite trophies.

"We have learned that one of the human leaders has begun to create an entire legion of demons." Truth's gaze bored into 'Kanthamee. "The leader intended to hide this plan from everyone - even the other humans - but he could not hide it from us."

'Kanthamee felt a thrill of terror and excitement all at once. An entire legion of demon-soldiers could storm High Charity itself and have a chance to succeed. Now, the Hierarchs were offering him a chance to stop this plan and put an end to human hopes of victory once and for all.

How could he possibly refuse?

"You do me far more honor than I deserve," 'Kanthamee replied, straining to keep the excitement and anticipation from his voice as he bowed again. "I will not betray your trust."

"I expected nothing less of you, Ship Master." The satisfaction in the Prophet's voice was faint, but clearly discernable. A projector orb floated silently to 'Kanthamee, who took it from the air and tapped the activation rune on top. The air above the orb flickered, then showed a rotating image of a powerful Firebrand-class Grand Cruiser, almost the equal of a carrier in firepower but lacking the troop-carrying capacity and extensive fighter bays. The ship design was new, recently recovered from artifacts discovered in another human system. 'Kanthamee cycled through the other ships, his old cruiser plus two smaller destroyers, and glanced at the equipment manifest. The Hierarchs were certainly not sending him unprepared.

"Your ships and soldiers await only your presence, Ship Master," Truth said. "Do not tarry, for every hour you lose is an hour that the humans have to complete their plans."

'Kanthamee bowed, then got to his feet. "I depart at once, then. Thank you for this opportunity, Noble Hierarchs." He turned and began to stride back towards the doors at the far end of the Sanctum.

"Do not thank us with words, Ship Master," Truth regarded 'Kanthamee's retreating back solemnly. "Thank us by fulfilling your duties, as you have never yet failed to do."

As soon as the doors closed, Mercy turned to Truth with an irate expression. He tapped a control on his throne and a silvery field sprang up around them to keep their words from the guards below them.

"You have yet to explain to me why it is necessary to send so many of our best soldiers on a trivial mission to the edge of known space, Prophet Truth. Why now, when the humans are reeling from our might and the discovery of the Ark is nigh?"

Truth held up a claw. "You will have your answers, Mercy. Tell me, when you were examining Ship Master 'Kanthamee's activities and his record, did anything strike you as unusual?"

"Other than the fact that he examines and adapts human tactics, nothing."

"He thinks too much." Truth tapped the holo-pad of his throne and a tiny, shimmering picture of 'Kanthamee seated behind a terminal sprang into existence. "He, and many of the others I am assigning to his new command, has a history of questioning and examination. They are not content to know what we wish; instead, they also want to know why we wish it and what it means for those around them."

"Is this not admirable?" Mercy asked in puzzlement.

"No," Truth replied firmly. "Not in these times, with the Great Journey so close at hand. Obedience and loyalty are paramount above all other values.

"Besides, who can say what will happen?" An expression that could have passed for a smile appeared on Truth's face. "Perhaps the humans are ahead of schedule and some of the demons are ready for combat. 'Kanthamee will enjoy the fight of his life before the Great Journey sweeps him up. A fitting reward, no?"
