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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 3)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight@aol.com>
Date: 23 October 2003, 4:10 PM

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Kevin pulled out his shotgun. There was mud all over it. He rinsed it off in a puddle. Kevin wiped it on his pants and shook it off. Then he took five shells and loaded them into the gun. Kevin took a few steps then pumped the shotgun.
      Finally the smoke cleared. The hunter was still standing and alive. It had a large scorched hole in its armor. Kevin could see the orange skin underneath. The hunter turned towards Kevin. It lifted up its shield. The pulsing plasma beam on it turned solid. The beam turned to a transparent blue.
      The hunter and Kevin were standing there, no sound but the rain hitting the ground. They were about ten meters apart. Kevin raised his gun pointed it at the hunter.
       "This is it," he said to himself. "If I mess up I die, if do this right I'll live."
      Kevin ran straight at the hunter. He was sloshing in the deep mud. The hunter turned the sword side of the shield outside away from its body. Even though he would probably be cut in half, Kevin kept going. When he was four meters away from the hunter he heard another rocket being fired.
       "Hey" Kevin thought. "The rocket was fired from close by, maybe it is some help."
      But hunter saw the rocket to. The hunter turned to face the rocket. Just as it was about to hit him the hunter swung its shield sword side first. The rocket hit it head on. The sword spilt the rocket right down the middle sending the half spinning out of control. About a second after splitting the halves blew up raining down fragments. A few hit the hunter but it just shrugged off the feeling.
      In the commotion the hunter forgot about Kevin who was right behind it.
       "I got to kill this thing now" Kevin thought.
      Kevin shot the hunter twice in the back. The hunter turned around. Its was gun pointing at Kevin. Kevin pumped two more shots into its side. The hunter raised its shield high over its head to crush Kevin. Just as the hunter lifted the shield all the way up, Kevin lunged at it. He shoved the muzzle of the shotgun in the hole made by the first rocket. Kevin started blasting off shots like crazy. After the third shot the hunter died. It fell backwards into the mud splashing in a pool of water on the way down.
       "Finally he's dead," Kevin thought. "I wonder where the guy, who shot those rockets is?"
      Kevin felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around with his shotgun leveled at chest height. Instead of and alien he saw Pvt. Tim Sampson.
       "Are a right man?" said Tim.
       "Yeah" answered Kevin.
       "What the hell was that thing?" asked Tim.
       "What do you mean?" replied Kevin.
       "That wasn't no regular hunter," said Tim. "That was like some special ops kinda thing." "But if that's right why would special ops guy be doing out here?"
       "A little earlier, I picked off some special ops grunts, moving a case of something a little while ago," replied Kevin. "It probably is mostly suck by now, but that might be why they were here for".
       "That sounds right," said Tim. "Load your gun Kevin"
       "Why?" asked Kevin.
       "Just do it," said Tim while ejecting a clip from his sub machine gun. "I have an idea."
      Kevin put four more shells in his shotgun. He pumped it and then slung it over his shoulder. The he took his other gun the battle rifle and ejected the clip. He slammed a new one in and closed back his satchel.
      Tim had already loaded his gun and was waiting for Kevin.
       "Kevin," Tim said. "Where was the case last?"
      Kevin pointed to spot near some dead grunt bodies. Tim walked up to the spot and wiped off the top of the case there was a keypad lock on top. Even if they could understand what the symbols meant it was raining so hard now it was almost impossible to see them. Tim stood back up. He took a few steps back and raised his gun.
       "Kevin," Tim said. "See that keypad?"
       "Yeah," said Kevin.
       "On three shoot it, okay?" said Tim.
       " Ok" replied Kevin.
      Tim and Kevin both opened fire on the lock. The bullets tore into the surrounding metal. After a few seconds of sustained fire the lock cracked. Tim walked over to the case. He bent down grabbed the handle. He pulled open the door and stared at what was in side.
