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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 2)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight@aol.com>
Date: 22 October 2003, 5:28 PM

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He went back to his gun. He put his eye to the scope. He hit the heat vision button to see though the rain. He moved his finger over and hit the zoom. The two lead grunts filled the scope. They were closer together and talking now, instead of looking for hostiles. Kevin, with his eye still in the scope, took the grenade in his hand. He pulled out the pin and slowly stood up. He tossed the grenade just behind the last two grunts. He hopped back to his gun, which was still zoomed. He brought the crosshairs on the first grunt. He pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed from the gun. The grunt was hit in the neck. He moved the crosshairs over the second grunt. The grunt was charging up his gun, pointing it right at Kevin. He squeezed the trigger sending four bullets at the grunt. The grunt was hit in the methane tank, causing it to blow up. He took his eye of the scope and looked up the rest of the grunts were charging up their plasma pistols. All of them were aimed right at him. Just as the guns were full charged the grenade went off.
There was a huge flash of light and all the grunts disappeared in it. When the smoke cleared the grunts were dead. They were all buried in the mud, and only their armor was visible. The guns they all carried were fused on to them. The case however was still intact. It had a few scorch marks but was still hovering.
Kevin un-hooked his rifle from the ramp and folded up the legs. He ejected the clip and watched it fall into the mud below. He reached into the satchel and pulled out a new clip. He put the clip in and pushed forward the release lever. With the battle rifle in one hand Kevin stood back up. He looked around for any approaching Covenant. Then he slung his weapon, took a deep breath and jumped into the mud.
Kevin was waist deep in the mud. "I hope I don't sink in this," he thought.
Kevin waded over to the doorway. Every few steps he had to watch out for holes so he wouldn't sink. When he got to the doorway he set his hands and hoisted himself up. He sat on the ground for a second
"Man," he thought. "That was close."
Behind him there was a long passage.
"I wonder if any more covenant are coming" Kevin thought.
Just as he said that Kevin heard loud footfalls. He looked towards the sound. Kevin saw a large green bolt growing in the darkness
"Oh shit!" screamed Kevin.
The gun fired and the energy bolt raced towards him. Kevin jumped straight into the mud. He made large splash as he hit the mud. When he stopped sinking he was meter under the surface in the middle of a mini crater. A second later the white-hot bolt flew over him. The heat from the plasma dried up the mud in its path. Finally it got too close to the ground and exploded, showering Kevin with dried mud.
"What was that?" Kevin asked himself as he climbed out of the hole. He behind him he could hear breathing. Slowly Kevin turned around and saw a hunter behind him. This hunter wasn't a normal one. It was a meter taller then normal. It had metallic black armor and, huge, razor sharp spines on its back. An oversized fuel rod cannon took up its whole arm. Its shield had a plasma current running down one side. It was walking on the trail of caked mud made by the first shot. If it didn't the 1 ½ ton aliens would sink
"It's probably a sword," thought Kevin as he was slowly baking a way from the huge hunter. "And that's not good." Kevin walked right back into the wet mud. He fell backwards and landed on his butt.
The hunter aimed its gun down towards Kevin. Kevin watched the bolt of plasma grow larger and larger. Even five meters away Kevin could feel the heat radiating from it. It grew extremely bright. The rain anywhere near the bolt turned to steam. The hunter was walking back slowly so the blast wouldn't hit it.
Just as the hunter was going to fire, Kevin heard a faint whistling sound. He turned just in time to see a rocket fly past, right in front of his face.
The rocket caught the hunter off guard. It got hit in the middle of the chest. The force of the blast lifted Kevin up and sent a few meters back. He landed in a crouched position on top of the mud. The smoke from the explosion was thick.
"I hope he's dead," Kevin thought standing back up.
Kevin pulled out his shotgun. There was mud all over it. He rinsed it off in a puddle. Kevin wiped it on his pants and shook it off. Then he took five shells and loaded them into the gun. Kevin took a few steps then pumped the shotgun.
Finally the smoke cleared. The hunter was still standing and alive. It had a large scorched hole in its armor. Kevin could see the orange skin underneath. The hunter turned towards Kevin. It lifted up its shield. The pulsing plasma beam on it turned solid. The beam turned to a transparent blue.
