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Fan Fiction

Installation 05: Part 2 (Touch Down)
Posted By: System Failure, SeverianofUrth<haloknight2003@aol.com,residentpark@aol.com>
Date: 31 August 2004, 3:39 PM

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0910 Hours, September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Forerunner Installation 05/ 100 meters off surface.
Pelican Drop ship Bravo 97/ Troop Cabin

Coming slowly to life, the Pelican's lights bathed the cabin in a warm glow. The Marines started moving, relaxed after the successful re-entry. Looking at my chest, I hit the release lever. The harness fell limp, allowing me to stand. Taking a few strides towards the rear controls, I tapped a few buttons, and a 50mm LAAG gun rose, silently, from the floor. I moved up to it and strapped on the harness. After a quick double check, of the harness, I pushed the hatch button. Curving its way into the drop ship's roof, it opened up, giving me a look at the rings surface. The humming from the engine grew louder, as the door slowly opened.

I saw three drop-ships behind us, fanned out, to provide maximum supporting fire. Beneath them, lay a swamp, densely covered in fog. Tall, vines draped trees, rose up from the ground, piercing through the fog. The area was undoubtedly a swamp, but something seemed off. "What's wrong with this picture?" I thought to myself, sweeping the gun side to side. " Then It came to me, not a single movement or sound could be seen or heard." Before I could give this anymore thought, the pilot turned on the cabin speakers.

"Get ready, Bravo TL. touchdown in 60," the pilot said, little apprehension in her voice.

Seeing the ground that was passing beneath me, grow closer; I turned on the team freq. "Get your ordinance boys, we here." Most of them remained seated, only some pulling out the weapon trunks. Looking back at them, I said, "Better get the guns, got some reports off angry ass wildlife here. Most of which can take a big ol' bite out of a Marine" Upon hearing this, the remaining Marines jumped out of their seats, and dug into the ammo trunks.

0910 Hours, September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Forerunner Installation 05/ Surface Offloading.
Marine Base Camp/ 50 meters from Target Structure.

Slapping the Pelican, I keyed on my com to give the all clear.
"Echo 337, you are clear for takeoff.
"See ya later Sgt. Arroyo," the pilot responded, the Pelican's engines came to life, and it ascended above the treetops. The forward thrusters fired, and the drop-ship screamed into the fog. The whine of it engines grew softer with the passing seconds, until it was gone entirely.

I turned around to face the camp. It was full of motion, some Marines getting sensors set up, while others tried to keep the bulky turrets from sinking in the muck. Behind me was the thrumming of an engine. Turning around, I saw a troop hog, slide to a stop, just inches from crushing me. While spared the death, I was bathed with the grimy water, and foul smelling goo stuck to my helmet. "Shit," I thought to my self. "I'm gonna get killed by my own damn Marines." Taking a second to clean it off, I looked up at the driver. His FoF tag said; PFC: Levee, Marcus.

"Why in such a rush, Private?" I asked stepping closer to the 'hog.
"No reason sir, just getting back from layin' down sensors," he replied. As he talked three Marines jumped out of the back, apparently shaken from their ride. "Sorry 'bout splashing you, sir."
"Don't let it happen again, close calls can turn it to hits in no time, you understand me?" I said pounding me fist for emphasis.
"Crystal, sir," replied Pvt. Levee. He hit the gas and drove towards the center of the camp. I paused for a moment to take a deep breath, then headed back towards the heart of the camp.


The pelican's forward motion stopped, and it started to descend into the swamp. Looking back I saw that the Marines were ready, so I clicked of the gun harness. After motioning for a Marine to take the gun, I reached into the trunk and pulled out some weapons. I picked a Battle Rifle, and a Pistol, with seven clips of ammo for each. After sliding a magazine into the receiver, I clipped the pistol into a slot on my waist. The engines grew louder now, meaning we were about to land. Reaching back in I pulled out four grenades and to plasma and clipped them on to tracks on my right thigh. I stood back up, to face the door, and saw that the pelican's descent had stopped; now it was hovering half a meter above the murky water. I paused a bit to pull the plastic coating of the battle rifle, and load it.

Raising my hand, I yelled, "Bravo team, move out." I jumped out of the Pelican, landing in the thick, green water. I created a large splash, which reached my chest. I straightened back up and kept moving. Above me the supply ship cut through the fog, circling its way around the camp, laying down sensors as it went.

The Marines hopped out behind me, landing in the knee high water. They fanned out slowly, making sure all areas were covered. When only four Marines were left in the pelican, I ordered them to halt.

"What happened Sarge?" asked one of the Marines.
I briefly looked at his FOF tag, Cpl: Holmes, Kevin T. Most of the Marines knew him as "Nades", due to his love of the little bombs.
"Nothing Corporal, just need your four to pull the weapons of this boat." I said.

He nodded, and replied, "Yes sir, we're on it." They went to the trunks, and dragged them out. When the trunks were hanging over the ramp edge, I motioned for the gunner to jump out. He hopped out, and turned around to help the others. After a few more pushes, the trunks plopped into the water. Nades activated the inflatable pontoons on both of the trunk. They slowly rose above the water, moss and dirt clinging to them.

"Damn" said Nades. "We got to pull these all the way to the camp.
Walking up to him, I said, "Well, you better get started."
I clicked on my com, "Bravo team move to designated camp site, over"
"Yes sir" responded a few voices.

We made our way southeast towards the campsite, which Fire teams Alpha and X-Ray had already established. I heard a rumble, and sloshing behind me, and spun on my heels, gun at the ready.


As I walked slowly to the camp, a Marine came flying out of nowhere and ran into me. He bounced off and landed on his ass, the water coming up to his chest. Getting back up, he shook his self off.

"Sgt. Arroyo, sir!" he said, a little fear in his voice.
"What happened", I inquired, thinking that a Marine had been wounded.
"Our insertion ship Aries has urgent info they need to give you sir, ASAP."
"Where is the com link, uhhh?"
"Corporal Jesse Reynolds, sir."
"I didn't even recognize you Jess," I said, while we walked towards the transmitter.
"No problem, sir," he replied. He picked up the mouthpiece and handed it to me.
I depressed the button, "Aries this is ground team, what's your status, over."
A deep male voice responded, "We've picked up on radar at least twenty covenant drop ships heading your way, over."
"Shiiiiit," I thought to my self. I put the mouthpiece back to my lips. "Did their base ship spot you, over?"
"Negative, but we have to power down to avoid detection. Re-establish communications at 1830 hours, to you copy, over?"
" Roger that Aries, Alpha team out." I turned to the corporal, who had his head cocked in a confused way.
"Corporal," I said walking away from the transmitter. "Get the camp ready for attack.
"Yes, sir," he saluted then ran off.

Using the touch screen I turned on the communications link to Bravo team. If the Covenant attacked now, they would be truly and completely screwed.
