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Fan Fiction

Installation 05: Part 1 (Going In)
Posted By: System Failure, SeverianofUrth<haloknight2003@aol.com, residentpark@aol.com>
Date: 28 August 2004, 1:16 AM

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      Shrouded in darkness, Installation 05 sat cold and unused. For hundreds of thousands of years it lay hidden, a reminder of a long gone race. It was still, the mechanisms the controlled its spin, gone into disrepair. Some areas the emergency artificial gravity boosters kicked in keeping the animals, and foliage rooted to the ground. Some areas were gravity free releasing whatever its contents were, into space.
      The ring, with one side in full sun and other in shade, was completely far-gone. The self-sufficient life cycle, crucial to its success as a research facility, was damaged beyond repair. The ring's surface was desolate. It the majority of its surface lay in two great deserts, one of heat and the other of frost, with life all but impossible in these vast areas.
      But two regions were inhabitable, however. And inhabited it was. In the edges of the deserts, where fire meet ice, were swamps and marshes. With a temperature sustained by the two extremes surrounding it, this area bred the largest creatures. In these regions lay the heart of the rings weapons, systems, and research facilities. Also in these two, five-kilometer wide areas lived an alien race. A race, when last had a massive outbreak, caused a plague of death and destruction to its ancient enemy.

0900 Hours, September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Uncharted space Re-Entry / Forerunner Installation 05
Pelican Drop ship Bravo 97/ Troop Cabin

       I tightened down my shoulder harness. Once it was securely fastened, I glanced back at my men. They were surprisingly calm, despite the fact that they were hurtling towards an alien structure, just discovered in the past week. Their faces were hidden behind their EVA suits, making their true expressions hidden. Still they were talking a lot, meaning either they were calm, of scared shitless, and trying to cover it up.
[insert] I looked back at my men. Some of them were asleep, a good sign, meant that they would ready to fight at touch down. Others were talking, not over the com, but using the speakers, that every Marine had mounted the sides of their helmet. That was another good sign. That showed that they wouldn't risk jamming up communications with their blabber.
[insert] I shifted my gaze to the area under the seats. Under each row sat long, titanium trunks. Inside of them were MA5Bs, SMGs, Battle Riffles, Sniper Rifles, Grenades, and lastly a pair of SPNKr rocket launchers, and ammo in both trunks. The heavy armament was and insurance policy. If two of the four Pelicans going topside were taken out, the remaining two would have enough ammo to complete the mission.
[insert] "I wonder how the other ships are doing?" I thought to myself. "We got four ship loads of Marines going down there, I'm sure it will be fine." The sound of my name brought me back into focus. I pressed against the wall.
       "Sergeant Williams, sir?" called a familiar voice from the back of the Pelican.
       "Yes, Private Mendez?" I asked him.
       " I know the mission and all," said Mendez. "With the forerunner tech and the covenant wanting it... but,"
       I leaned out against my harness and asked him, "What?"
       "Why are going out here?" he replied still pressed into his seat. "I mean, after what happened to the last halo, even the Covies are scared of going."
       "More stuff for us then," I said smirking.
       "What if this turns into another death trap, sir?"
       "Don't worry, it's gonna be fine," I answered, and the Pelican started to rumble harder and harder.
       Looking at the HUD of my suits helmet, I saw the mission clock. 00:00:00:30:59. They stood for, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. "Weeks," I thought to myself. "How much shit were they going to use us for?" "The mission is only going to last five days," I said to myself wondering.
       The voice of the pilot came in over the loud speaker.
       "Get ready!" he said, voice echoing around the crew cabin.
[insert] "We are re-entering in, 3... 2... 1..." said the pilot
[insert] The Pelican started to shake, and the cabin lights dimmed. I saw the marines one last time, they were all pressed against the bulkhead, and probably praying for the ship to hold. I took another breath, and then the lights went dead.

0900 Hours, September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Uncharted space Re-Entry/ Forerunner Installation 05
Pelican Drop ship Echo 337/ Troop Cabin

       I opened my eyes and stretched out my arms. Yawning, I sat up. The shoulder harness was loose against my armor. "Damn things" l thought to my self. "Can save you from some nasty crashes, but cant keep you from fallin out your seat." I tightened it down; making sure the release lever was facing outwards.
       "Sir?" said a voice near me.
       Turning around, I faced a marine, but with all the suits looking the same, I couldn't tell who the hell he was. Lucky for me however, the suits had new friend or for tag identifiers. Name, Age, Rank, and position could be shown all at once, or one at a time. "Finally, I get so use some of this shit," I said under my breath. I covertly turned this feature on, and saved my self from looking like Jackass.
       "Sergeant Arroyo?" asked the Marine again, this time a hint of confusion was in his voice.
       I ok a second to switch the FOF tag setting to name and rank. With the controls being on my left forearm, I had to fake twist my arm, to get at the controls. I tapped them, and in the left bottom corner appered his name and rank; Private: Dalton, Henry A.
       "Yes Private Dalton," I said calmly.
       "You didn't recognize me, did you sir?" replied Dalton.
       I thought for a moment and said, "Are you trying to say that you commanding officer can't recognize his own soldiers?"
       "No, sir not in any way, but I that that your FOF tag was just set to the Name Rank setting, sir"
       "How did you know that?
       He pointed the screen on my arm, "It flashes a different color for every selection button that is pressed. They all have colored bullets next to them. That's the color that flashes."
       "Show me," said giving him my arm.
       He tapped the all-clear button, which had a yellow bullet. The screen flashed yellow and held it for a few seconds. "It's a weird ass upgrade, doesn't seem useful."
       "It's probably just a signaling device. If the com and speakers don't work." I paused for a second, getting ready to the Dalton, when the pilot's voice came I over my suits com.
       "Sgt. Arroyo?" said a gruff male voice.
       I said, "Yes" while clicking off my speakers.
       "We are re-entering in ten-seconds." He responded
       "Thanks," I said while turning back on my speakers.
       "Bravo Team!" I yelled. The half-awake marines jumped in their seats.
       "I said, BRAVO, Teeeam!" I yelled again, trying to get a response out of them.
       "Yes, sir!" they responded, some a little faster than others.
       "We, Bravo team, Alpha Team, Silo Team and X-Ray team are going down into hostile territory," I said looking around the cabin. "Apparently them Covenant bastards want this fucked up, piece of shit ring more, than the one us humans blew up. But them SOBs are too scared to land on it. So we, members of the 256th ODST Platoon will show them what happens when they get cold feet!" the ship started to rumble. "Am...I...right marines," I said my voice shaking from the increased vibration in the ship.
       "Hell yes, sir," they responded.
       The lights dimmed low, and then came back at half strength. The vibrations weakened, but their frequency sped up. A marine shouted "Hoo Ha," and the lights went dead.
"Into the, fire," I thought. I in the darkness i felt the Pelican bottom out, I tensed up, and grabbed my harness.
