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Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Chapter 1: Sensor Post)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 24 April 2004, 1:10 PM

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2000th Pulse, 12th Shift of Divine Light/
7834th Age of holy rising / Orbiting Sensor Post
Three, Xenon sector: Covenant Home world.
Probe Retrieval/Control Room 3

       Xio, the grunt in charge of probe three, slept with his head resting on the readout panel. Most of the other grunts monitoring the probes were also asleep at their posts. The few ones awake were chattering to each other in their barking language.
       The lax effort of the probe monitors was due to long work hours. As the humans got closer to extinction they became extremely aggressive. Suicide attacks on Covenant positions were taking their toll. Hundreds of Covenant positons were already damaged and more were attack every day. The high priests decided to make the current soldiers security monitors, and the new trainees to go right into combat. While putting the veterans in charge of protection made key covenant structures safer, they were extremely over worked. The tight security made getting a full units rest impossible, for Elites and grunts alike.
       A pulsating light on the display caused Xio to wake up. It signaled that the probe was returning to normal space. Xio tapped a button to send a recovery drone to retrieve it. For a second he watched the view of the drone taking off. He shook his head then adjusted his methane mask. He checked the methane gauge on his forearm. There were only two units of methane left in his tank.
       Xio stood up from his chair and stretched out. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. A soft purple glow highlighted most of the equipment and both doors. The main lights above him were dim and cast eerie shadows over the windowless room. He took a step towards a panel next to him. Xio tapped a button and the lights slowly came to life. The sleeping grunts came into view, as the lights grew brighter. Some stirred, but most weren't even affected by the light. One of the few grunts still awake, Fala, spun around in his chair and faced Xio.
       "What you doing?" asked Fala as he stretched out his arms.
       "Nothing, go back to sleep," snapped Xio.
       "Calm down," said Fala while yawning. He sat back in his chair and fell back asleep.
       Xio smiled and then turned to face the methane storage container at the other end of the room. He made his way slowly, as not disturb any of his co-workers, to the container .He stepped over and dodged the piles of instruments on the ground.
       Finally he was at the container. It gave off a faint humming sound, and was covered with a dense layer of condensation. Popping open the latch, Xio lifted up the door. Thick, freezing smoke poured out of the container as it opened. Shivering, he clicked on the container's light. It came to life with a blinding flash, and illuminated the frozen body of the Elite that sat inside of it.
       Xio stood for a second, looking at the body of Rusee, the Elite guard of this control room. . All of its external equipment had been taken, leaving only the armor and helmet in place. Its golden armor was badly scorched and battered. A large gaping hole sat in the middle of its chest. The blood that was dripping out of it had frozen making a frosty halo of blood and bone around the wound.
       Xio thought about the events of the day before. How the grunts had no rest for a week. How they weren't allowed to eat but once every other day. Then he remembered him and the other grunts killing Rusee and the other two Elite guards. And last how hard it was to do this all unnoticed by any other covenant soilders.
       He reached down and pulled out a methane packet. Xio hooked the tube shaped bag to a port in his armor. Pushing on the head of the bag, he caused the circular port to open. He watched as the liquid was being drained out of the bag. After a few seconds the bag was empty and he pulled it off. Taking a deep breath Xio pulled off the bag and tossed it into a trash receptacle. He turned and walked back to his console. A few of the grunts followed him with their eyes as he made his way back to his station.
       Just when Xio was about to sit in his chair, one of the Elites radios clicked on.
       "Russe you have 15 clicks to respond or else you will be boarded," screeched the com. The count down started just as Xio got to the com.
       "14,13,12,11,10," said the com.Xio started to hoot panic.He tapped the com and it started to shake. Xio screamed and ducked behind a chair.
       " 9,8,7,6,5" read of the com. By now all the grunts were awake and scared shitless.
       "Crap, crap, crap!" yelled one grunt as he ran around in circles.
       "4,3,2,1," said the com. Now all the grunts except Xio and a few others were huddled together in a tight group.
       "Were coming in," said the com as the power in the room went out.
       " Damn," said Xio. The door into the control room blew open and roaring Elites poured in.
