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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Chapter 1: Hallway)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 5 April 2004, 8:30 PM

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0530 Hours, September 20, 2552
UNSC Carrier, Nautilus, Slipspace.

       Rear Admiral Jeff Peterson stepped off the lift, and crossed the threshold on to the B deck main hallway. His two Marine bodyguards, who had their guns at the ready, closely followed him. Peterson walked slowly to his destination, the briefing room. He nodded his head toward naval personnel and Marines as they passed by. His guards were sweeping their guns from side to side, looking for covenant spies. There had been several spies recently caught on other UNSC vessels. Luckily, they have never managed to send their intel back to their base. Luck can run out, and it usually does, so security was airtight. Since the guards were issued thermal/night vision goggles to spot cloaked Elites, the Elites had to be extremely stealthy.
       "Hold," whispered one of the bodyguards to Peterson just as they turned into a side passage. The guard pulled out modified SMG. It had a black silencer and a dark gray scope. It also had his name, Archer, stenciled on to the stock. He raised his hand and signaled the other bodyguard to turn of the lights. The lights suddenly went out in the hall, and Peterson was left blind.
       The other bodyguard handed Peterson the scope from his battle rifle, which had night and heat vision.
       " James," said Archer to the other bodyguard. "Switch your goggles to thermal."
       "Okay sir," whispered James, and flicked a switch on his low light goggles
       "There," said James. He was pointing to an UNSC flag that was draping down from the ceiling. He quietly flipped over his battle rifle and screwed on a flash/sound suppressor.
       Peterson saw the flag ripple slowly, as if a gentle breeze was pushing it side to side. A small bump in the flag, about chest high started to grow. Next to him James pointed his gun at the flag. The bump started to glow green.
       "Fire," said Archer as he pushed Rear Admiral Peterson to the ground. The silenced weapons of James and Archer made no noise except for the shell casings falling to the ground. The gun of the spy discharged, sending the bolt right at the admiral. James rolled him over just as the plasma bolt connected with the ground. It burned a centimeter deep hole in the spot where Peterson's head just was.
       A loud wailing sound came from the Elite as it died. The doors on either side of the trio opened, shedding light on them. The light bounced of the walls and gave an eerie glow to the Elites blood on the flag, and also the blood seeping into the carpet. While James helped Rear Admiral Peterson to his feet, Achier flicked on the lights.
       "Are you all right sir?" asked James.
       "I'm fine, I'm fine," answered Peterson slightly smiling.
       Archer stood stooped over the fallen Elite. He took the shield and cloak generators from it and also a data crystal it was carrying. By now a few people stopped in the hall to see what was going on. Archer tossed the crystal to Peterson. Peterson took it and put it in his pocket. Archer took clicked on his com.
       "This is security team Bravo 4," he said calmly into the mike. "We got a dead spy on B deck, requesting immediate clean up." He paused to adjust the head piece and said, "You better hurry or else were going to have a tough a carpet stain." He stood up and made opening in the group of nosy personnel.
       "Follow me sir," said James.
       James and Peterson went through the opening, and then Archer followed. They rounded a corner into a brightly lit hallway with oak walls, and a carpet with the UNSC insignia woven into it covered the floor. A brass railing sat at waist height along the walls. The doors in the hall were made of maple, with gold doorknobs.
       "Almost there," thought Peterson as he walked down the hall. He looked at the end of the hallway were the briefing room sat. He began to get nervous on his walk down the hall, but instead of showing it walked a tiny bit slower.
       James slung his rifle across his back. He centered it then tightened down the strap. He straightened out his uniform and adjusted his hat. Behind him, Archer slipped his left arm through the strap of his SMG. He leaned over and checked the strap on the sidearm hoister. He buttoned up his uniform, and then drew his sidearm but held it pointing down. James looked back at him and followed suit. They both clipped their goggles to the holders on their right thigh.
       Behind them Peterson took the wrinkles out of his shirt. The two doors guards opened the massive titanium reinforced maple security doors for the rear Admiral. He nodded to them to let James and Archer in. Peterson took a deep as the door into the briefing room opened in front of him. Then he took a step and crossed the threshold into the room, with Archer and James right behind him.
