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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5: Good Version)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 4 April 2004, 12:41 AM

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(indent) "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
(indent) Tim laughed quietly to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was under his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.
(indent) Unbearable pain in his chest jerked Kevin out of his sleep. He tried to breathe but no air would come in. Harsh, bright light came in through his closed eyelids. Kevin smelled burning flesh. Then he realized what was going on. He opened his eyes and looked at his chest. A Gold Elite had stabbed Kevin with its energy blade and was slowly cutting him in half. Kevin tried to scream but only air and spit came out. The elite gave a quiet laugh; it seemed to enjoy killing a human like this. Kevin 's vision slowly stared to fade. He knocked an empty clip to the floor with his head. He heard it clank on the stone floor and then he passed out.
(indent) A bright flash of light jolted Tim out of his nap. He stared in to the eyes of an Elite. Its plasma sword cast a warm blue glow over him. Tim looked across the security room to Kevin's side. He saw an Elite near Kevin swing its blade down cutting Kevin, and his whole bench in half. Tim looked back the elite near him.
(indent)The Elite had black armor with white light shining in the articulation points. It was looking over at Kevin, with its mandibles shaped into a smile. It let the sword hang low while it was watching the slow dissection of Kevin.
(indent) Tim's gaze kept switching from the plasma sword to the Elites throat. It was as if his body knew what to do but his mind didn't. Finally the thought clicked in. Tim quietly pulled his SMG from underneath him. He pointed the gun at the Elite and slowly clicked the safety off. Tim got into low crouch behind Elite. He leaned over to see what the Elite was looking at. The other Elite appeared to be burning up the remains of Kevin piece by piece. The other Elite seemed to enjoy this, and paid no attention to Tim. The sound of the rain coming down and the sizzling of Kevin's body made it easy for Tim to sneak up on the Elite.
(indent) "These are some crazy a$$ Elites," thought Tim. "I hope Kevin's death buys me some time."
(indent) Tim pointed his gun at the base of the elites head. His free hand went towards the sword. Inch by inch his hand got closer. Just at he touched the handle of the plasma sword, the Gold Elite looked up. In one fluid motion Tim grabbed the neck of the Elite he was next to, and shoved his SMG into its mouth. The gold Elite lifted its sword, and got ready to charge.
(indent) "Back up Goldie!" yelled Tim as he shoved the gun farther into the Elite's mouth.
(indent) The other Elite seemed to understand as it turned off its sword. Tim edged him self- closer over to the security door. The Elite had to lean back for Tim to be able to touch the ground. As they sloshed in the water towards the door, the gold Elite pulled out a plasma rifle.
(indent) "Crap," thought Tim.
(indent) "Drop it," said Tim as he motioned the command with his choking hand.
(indent) The gold Elite followed the order dropping the plasma rifle.
(indent) Tim slide against the wall to the door controls. He released the neck of the Elite. Using the same hand he hit the rusty switch for the door. The door slowly opened behind him, screeching on its metal frame. Tim backed up just enough so that only he could clear the doorway. He heard the Elites laughing as he pushed the black Elite forward. Tim pulled on the door to help it shut, one hand still holding the SMG. As soon as it closed, Tim shot the control panel. Now he sealed the sword yielding Elites outside and him inside. He could still hear the Elites laughing through the sealed door,
(indent) "What the hell did I get myself into," thought Tim as he was turned around.
(indent) In front of him was a long dark hall way with a grav-lift at the end. Tim walked down the hall, sweeping his gun from side to side. As he walked the lights came to life. Huge murals covered the walls. They were made of stones and metals he had never seen before. They depicted large huge space and ground battles in the greatest detail Tim had ever seen. They looked more like High-Definition photos than, what appeared to be, hand made murals. Tim was so wrapped up in the murals that, he tripped over the ledge to the grav-lift. As he got up he looked back at the door.
(indent) "Why aren't they trying to get me?" thought Tim. He shrugged of the thought and stood up.
(indent) The lift was dirt caked and muddy. It had a thick glass bottom and metal sides. Blood was splashed all over it and bits of bone covered the ground. The lift had only one arrow lit. Down.
(indent) "I guess I'm going down," Tim said to himself. He hit the lift button and descended into the darkness below.
