
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 4)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight2003@aol.com>
Date: 1 April 2004, 1:37 AM

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Tim and Kevin both opened fire on the lock. The bullets tore into the surrounding metal. After a few seconds of sustained fire the lock cracked. Tim walked over to the case. He bent down grabbed the handle. He pulled open the door and stared at what was inside.

The inside of the case was lined with foam like material. Seven metallic purple guns lay in slots cut into the foam. They were shaped like elongated plasma rifles. The falling rain slowly started to fill up the case.
      "Cool guns," said Tim as he reached over and picked up a gun. He pulled and held the trigger. A ball of purple light formed at the end of the gun. The light stretched and pulled into a large needle. The needle went flying as Tim released the trigger. As the needle flew it, fanned out and split into two needles. They spread out a few meters. Just as they hit a tree Tim was targeting they came together. The needles pierced thought the tree and stopped. There was a faint flash and the tree was gone, vaporized by the white hot plasma.
      "We need some sh!t like this!" laughed Tim.
      "Yo, it got a scope," said Kevin as he ran his hands over the gun. The scope was a perfectly flat panel that rose several inches from the top of the gun.
      "Try looking through it," said Kevin wiping rain of the screen.
      Tim lowered his head to the gun. Motion sensors came to life. Any moving target up to 500 meters down range could be selected and put in focus.
      "This must be a sniper rifle," said Tim as he raised his head from the scope.
      "Lets take a gun each and bury the rest," said Kevin
      "Good idea," answered Tim. They both piled mud on top of the case. Slowly but steadily it stuck back down. Tim pulled a nav marker from his belt and placed it on the case.
      "We gotta check that out," said Kevin as he pointed at the doorway.
      " Lets do it!" said Tim as he dropped his empty rocket launcher. They climbed over the muddy craters, heading for the doorway. Tim climbed up onto the ledge protruding from the opening. He grabbed Kevin's mud caked hand and pulled him up.
     Tim took one last look outside. The dark rain clouds above and the mud filled field below. The calm sound of the rain made him feel at peace. Even through this was war the Covenant home world was peaceful. He took a deep breath and walked down the ramp into the darkness ahead, with Kevin right behind him.
     They came into what looked like a security clearance room. The floor was flooded because of a clogged drain. The guardroom however, was filled with water.
      "The top must've been the bottom of a crater," said Kevin.
     To the left were some benches and chairs.
      "Lets recharge for a bit," said Tim pulling out some energy bars.
      "A'ight, how long five hours?" asked Kevin
      "Yeah, five hours," answered Tim.
      Kevin pulled out a MRE one stared chowing down. Tim pulled out his canteen and took a long draw. Then he put his knapsack on an end of the bench. He looked over and watched Kevin finish his meal and get ready to sleep.
      "See you in a bit," said Kevin as he got ready to sleep.
      "Wait!" screamed Tim.
      "What?" asked Kevin.
      "If we sleep any covie bastard can come here and kill us," reasoned Tim.
      "Don't worry I go this covered," replied Kevin. He pulled out three grenades and wire from Tim's pack.
      "I'll be back," said Kevin as he ran up the ramp. About ten minutes later Kevin came back. Tim' s expression asked the question.
      "I set up some trip wires, one just outside the door way one a bit inside and the last in the middle of the ramp. They are all at different heights to make them hard to detect. And last, I set a transmitter sent to the infantry freq to warn any freindlies.
      "Good job," said Tim. " I cleaned out the drain."
      "What was in it?" asked Kevin.
      "This" answered Tim. He pulled a rotted grunt head and tossed it to Kevin.
      " Damn!" screamed Kevin and threw the head down. "Well see you in a few." He laid down on the bench and stretched out. His hand fell into the open mouth of the grunt head. He tried to get his hand out but it was stuck. Kevin wiped off his hand on his pants and laid back down.
      "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
      Tim quietly laughed to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was behind his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.
