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Fan Fiction

Invincible Grunt
Posted By: ST3<SirTyler31@youareadork.com>
Date: 21 July 2004, 5:24 PM

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What a marvelous day! Takak was actually getting the respect he felt he deserved! The small grunt waddled proudly up the steep cavern floor, out to the Forrunners tower structure where his group had set up their temporary incampment. Making for the door, a Jackal walked into the grunts way and pushed him with his shield, making an irritbale noise.
" You the one? " it asked irritably. ( which was odd, Takak thought, since he was hiding behind its shield. )
The grunt puffed out its chest more. " Who do you want? "
" Dont play games! " the jackal screeched. " You the one who killed Tuk? "
Takak nodded. " Yeah. What are you gonna do about it? "
Now, normally, this is where a grunts story would end. But not this guys. Oh no. The Jackals hand shot out from behind his shield, and attempted to grab the grunts methane-passageway. Takak knew this would happen. He had put an odd grease on it, just for it. The jackals hand slid off, then let out a yelp.
Takak smiled a cold smile at the oppressive Jackal. Before it could draw its own plasma pistol, Takaks was behind the shield, and nuzzled right into its eye. " For you! " the grunt said gleefully, and pulled the trigger. The jackal fell twitching onto the soft snow, its purple blood streaming out of a large hole in its head.
Takak turned to all the covenant behind him, then his eyes opened wide. A human scorpian tank had just popped out of the hole he had been in only minutes ago! The soldiers who followed behind the tank were quickly shreaded to pieces by an elites deadly dance with its plasma sword, but the brave Elite was vaporized by a direct shot from the tank.
The cries of the pitiful Human marines could be heard from his hiding place behind a small snow covered rock. Two other elites moved in on the tank, firing their plasma rifles, which seemed to have no effect on the human inside, when normally they would be roasting in their own juices.
Watching from a hole he poked in the snow, Takak saw one of the elites go down under the treads of the behemoth. The other was launched into the air ( Well, all but its legs, that is. ) as an explosive round from the tank burrowed into the snow beneath him. The elite spun in the air, a wail of confusion reverberating throughout the canyon.
Jackals ( who were hiding behind many of his grunt pals, Takak noticed, ) now made their way forward, launching huge green rounds from their pistols, which still seemed to have no effect on the tank. The jackals were killed first, one round from the tank erasing their bodies from Halo, save for a small purple spray.
The grunts then decided enough was enough, and turned to run but were quickly mowed down under the scorpian. Nothing was left but a long blue skidmark and the smell of methane.
With his eyes narrowing, Takak boldy went forward from the rock he had chosen as a hiding place. Nothing could touch him today, surely his flawless victory over two jackals and three humans meant he was being protected by a entity from beyond. His covenant friends and superiors were all dead save him. He shot his plasma pistol quickly into the drivers compartment.
The massive barrel of the scorpian tank leveled with him, and loosed a round. The huge explosive bolt whizzed by his head, and Takak couldent help but laugh. He WAS being protected. Takak continued to shoot his pistol, and four more tank rounds whizzed passed him. Then something odd happened.
The driver of the tank, obviously annoyed that he had managed to miss such a pesky target five times, pushed open the hatch and clambered out. He was wearing an odd suit, almost like an elites, but it was green. Takak couldent see his face, but he knew it was a human. It was THE human, well, kinda. At that moment, Takak knew that there was no God. He knew he wasnt being protected. He knew that his bladder was at the moment full.
Slowly, calmly, the figure drew a pistol from a holster on its leg, leveled the weapon. Takak saw the flash from the pistol. The slug had slid effortlessly out of the pistol, travled the fifteen meters between barrel and grunt in a fraction of a second, pushed apart the bones between Takaks eyes, and left a gaping ( yet very circular ) hole in the back of Takaks head.
Takak didnt even have time to regester that he had just wet himself.
