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Fan Fiction

Posted By: SPY46<SPY840406@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 March 2005, 1:06 PM

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Recorded communication between two ranking officials

Computer: Security clearance required to establish a link

L.T. Alexander Rose: L.T. Alexander Rose code 119er853 beta

Computer: code recognized voice recognized link established

D.R Chamption: hello this is D.R chamption who is this?

L.T.: hello D.R its Alexander Rose you wanted to speak with me?

D.R.: ho yes I just wanted to go over the story of what happened on the chariot

L.T.: well sir we were in space dock at earth the caption was showing the new A.I. the ship as I under stand it they had become close friends over a short time almost like brothers any way he felt that the A.I. should get a feel for the ships systems and out of his head for a bit every thing was fine for a few min

D.R.: what happened?

L.T.: well sir in engineering there was a short in one of the power regulator systems and there was a feedback going into the whole of the ship the caption was alerted he feared that the power surge could destroy the A.I. he attempted to save him as the A.I. was entering his implant the surge hit them both they were electrocuted any thing after that I don't know only that the caption is in comma

D.R: ok that seems to be the store thank you for your time

L.T.: sir I need to know what happened to the caption I know that I don't have most of the clearance but please sir

D.R.: well it wont hurt much however you cannot repeat what you hear

L.T.: when they were electrocuted the implant in the captions brain was fried normally that would be a few weeks in the hospital but because there was an A.I. well things got a bit messed up

L.T.: how do you mean sir?

D.R.: well really the brain is like a computer it can rewrite over write or be written over because it has an electrical signature or charge now an A.I. is its own energy signature or charge now when the feed back hit them both it broke down a wall that kept them separate

L.T.: so then that means that they are now one person?

D.R.: almost from what we do know there patterns are fused like two slabs of metal overlapping one and other only with out a seem

L.T: is there any thing that can be done for him or them sorry
D.R.: no he may not survive for much longer if he was younger by a ten or twenty years he might have had a chance but being sixty five and still in the core he should have been retired long a go

L.T.: so then he could have survived then

D.R.: only if he way younger his brain at that age cant handle that kind of punishment where a younger person could because there brain is still firing a way a full power and still some to spare well I have to go now I need to get back to working on the Spartans the pillar will be needing as many as we can get ho and one more thing if people find out that things like this can happen with an A.I. people wont want to use them and they are an edge that cant be discarded like an out of date weapon we need them to disable targets from with in there systems we can not afford to louse them to propaganda THIS IS AN ORDER

L.T.: sir yes sir I under stand sir and thank you sir for telling me what happened

D.R.: well you do deserve to know he is your grand father after all

L.T.: yes sir but i still have to thank you for telling me what happend on the unoffical acount i only wish that i could talk to him and say my good buy to him thank you sir and good bye

Communication ends reports indicate that no progress was made with removing the A.I. from the caption before recha was destroyed buy the covenant on a nother note L.T Alexander was KIA one week later the event will go unknown to the wiser ending report now

(this is a rewrite of a store i made here but cant find it so here it is a gain only i hope it is better i had to try and strech it a bit longer at the end and didnt make much sense like i am doing now with this part just to add a few more ponts the the storie i made and to explain why you may see two of the same sotore thx)
