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Fan Fiction

MSOG: Chapter 7: Violence begets violence
Posted By: Sprtn117John<vt_cow@email.com>
Date: 8 December 2003, 6:29 PM

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"Dear God, there's nothing left.", said Farfield.
"Drop me off over there. I'll contact you when I want you to pick me up. Go back to the other troopship and hold position until then.", said Dominguez.
Farfield landed the Renu just outside of what had been the Command Post. Dominguez jumped out. He paused and turned back to the Renu.
"Jenkins, you're with me." He said before turning back around. Jenkins quickly hopped out and followed the Spartan-I. Dominguez stopped and looked at the ground. He looked back at Jenkins.
"This way."
Both men started running. They both stopped and immediately dropped to the ground.
Dominguez took his sniper rifle off of his back and zoomed in on what was in front of him. Jenkins took his rifle off of safe. In front of both of the soldiers were at least 500 aliens. They were cautiously rifling through the bodies of the humans that had been killed. Dominguez was surveying the aliens, looking for a leader and he found one. A tall alien, about 7 foot tall in gold armor was waving it arms around at 10 smaller aliens. Dominguez took careful aim and centered in on the gold alien's head. He pulled the trigger and the alien no longer had a head. Dominguez then started killing aliens as soon as he saw them. He had just emptied his first mag when he heard Jenkins call for Farfield to give them air support before Jenkins pulled his AR10 out and opened fire. The aliens were enraged that their leader was killed and en masse rushed up the hillside at the two soldiers. Dominguez had gone through more than half of his sniper ammunition, and the aliens were still coming, albeit a slower less haphazard approach. Jenkins was down to three mags of ammo for his rifle, and both men had a full load of grenades. Dominguez had yet to use his AR12. Jenkins was firing short controlled bursts at anything he could see, while Dominguez was making every alien that poked its head out pay for its fatal error.
"SHIT!!", Jenkins shouted, "All I've got left is grenades. Farfield better get here real quick." The aliens had moved to within throwing range. Jenkins pulled a fragmentation grenade off his bandolier, stood up and threw it. A bolt of red plasma hit him in his left shoulder. He fell down with a cry of pain. Dominguez stopped firing and crawled to where Jenkins was. The plasma had melted through the titanium that Jenkins had been wearing, protecting him from the brunt of the damage. Even so, he still had a third degree burn and was bleeding. As Dominguez pulled out a med kit to put some bio-foam in Jenkins' wound, he heard the sound of engines. He turned to look up and he noticed the Renu fly over head. Then he heard the roar of the 70mm chain gun as Farfield opened up on the aliens. Dominguez went back to patching up Jenkins' wound.
One alien had managed to get over the ridge to where Dominguez and Jenkins were. The alien saw Dominguez hunched over Jenkins and it ran up to him. Before Dominguez noticed the alien, it had hit him in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Dominguez landed on top of Jenkins. Before the alien could shoot at both of them, Jenkins had grabbed the S2A3 and emptied the rest of the magazine into the alien, killing it. The Renu had circled around by that time and hovered just over the ground. Four marines jumped out and grabbed both men and their weapons and pulled them into the Renu before it took off for the ruins.

Hill leaned around the corner, peering down the corridor. He saw fives aliens standing in a group. He pulled an incendiary grenade off his belt and pulled the pin. He leaned back around the corner and threw it at the aliens. It landed in the middle of them. Before they could react, it blew up. Horribly killing them and burning everything in a 5 meter radius. Hill smacked his head, "Fuck, none of their weapons are going to work after that." He doubled checked himself to see what he had for equipment when he found the data crystal that Dominguez had given him. He took it out and looked at it. "I bet that will fit in one of the slots in my TAC-9", he thought to himself. He put it in and was surprised to hear the voice of the AI from the ruins.
"At last. I thought you would never reactivate me. I must get you back to the control room.", it said.
"Well, I have no idea how to get out of here.", said Hill.
"If you can get me to some sort of craft, I can fly it out of here. Proceed down to the end of this corridor and go through the door on your right. That should be a docking bay according to my readings."
Hill shrugged his shoulders. "Ok", he said as he ran down the hall. He rounded the corner to where the door was and saw two aliens there. Before they could react he shot them both. He dropped his plasma rifle and picked up both of the aliens. With one in each hand he activated the door and walked through.
"Oh Shit!", Hill said as he saw what was before him.
