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Fan Fiction

MSOG: Chapters 3 & 4
Posted By: Sprtn117John<vt_cow@email.com>
Date: 1 December 2003, 9:56 PM

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Chapter 3
Corporal Jenkins crouched behind a corner. He pulled a grenade off his bandolier and threw it around the corner. "FRAG OUT!", yelled the Corporal as he threw the grenade. Screams of pain following the explosion told Jenkins he had thrown right. A red bolt of energy sizzled past the corner Jenkins was behind and hit a marine in the head, instantly killing him. Jenkins leaned around the corner, emptying the rest of his magazine in three round bursts at two of the aliens attacking the marines. He hit both of them in the chest, killing them. "Four left", Jenkins muttered to himself as he reloaded his AR10. Then he stopped moving; stunned to see two MSOG soldiers appear out of no where. He pointed and yelled, "Over there!".
Goth and Joker materialized into a bloodbath. They reacted purely on instinct. They saw a marine point towards four aliens, and they both opened up. Each man used up half a mag before the creatures died. They looked around after they had killed the remaining aliens. Seventeen marines lay dead on the floor. The remaining marine was stunned at the sight of his rescuers. Corporal Jenkins stood up, shaking slightly. "Corporal Jenkins sir.", Jenkins said to the MSOG in front of him.
"We don't have rank Corporal. I'm Hill and this is Dominguez. Joker and Goth for short.", said Hill.
"Then call me Jenkins. You're probably wondering what happened here. HQ sent us here to investigate these ruins. We left 1rst Platoon to guard the entrance and 2nd Platoon went inside to investigate. The rest was a blur from there. These alien things started attacking us and somehow 18 of us ended up down hear while the rest of the marines stayed in the entrance. I've been fighting down here for 3 hours. Then you guys arrived and saved my ass. What about the others?", Jenkins looked intently at Hill and Dominguez.
Dominguez spoke first, "They're all dead. I'm sorry to say that. I hate to be blunt, but you should collect what ammo you can from your buddies' bodies, and then we have to figure out this control room thing."
Jenkins looked down, a tear in his eye. He thought about all of his buddies that were now dead. He looked up and wiped the tear from his eye. He rummaged around and picked up four extra mags and three grenades. "I'm set", Jenkins said, "the control room is this way, we were forced out of it by those aliens."
Hill, Dominguez, and Jenkins walked cautiously down the hallway towards the control room, wary for more of those creatures.

Chapter 4
The three men stood to either side of the doorway to the control room. Hill motioned to Dominguez. Both MSOGs screwed silencers to the end of their rifles. Jenkins peered into the room and then popped back out of sight. Using hand signals, he told Hill and Dominguez that there were two to the left, one in the middle and three aliens to the right. All three soldiers took a grenade and primed them. Hill nodded his head and they tossed all three at each group of aliens. After the resulting explosions, all three rushed in, ready to kill anything that moved. The grenades had done their job well; blue gore and body parts covered the floor of the room. One of aliens was left alive, and it was missing one of its legs. It saw the three men enter and it lifted its weapon to fire at them. Before it could pull the trigger, its head was blown apart by two silent coughs of the AR12s.

Welcome. I'm glad some of you survived. What do you call yourselves?

Hill spoke up first, "We call ourselves humans, I'm Hill, that's Dominguez and Jenkins."
He looked around, everything was a pinkish-purple color with some blue thrown in for relief, and all the surfaces were rounded.

I have never heard of your species before. But you appear similar to the Builders. Perhaps I can be of some assistance? Your equipment seems primitive.

"What were those things that we fought with earlier?", Jenkins asked, "Their weapons seemed a lot more advanced than ours." The AI was about to answer when the lights flickered and then went out. The three soldiers quickly hid behind what little cover there was and pointed their weapons towards the entrance.
"Goth", Hill whispered, "go to the console and see what data you can find, like a data cube or a disc, anything."
Dominguez moved cautiously over to the console and took out an infiltration kit and went to work. Jenkins turned to Hill and said, "I wish I knew what the hell was going on, 'cause I have a bad feeling about this." Dominguez came back over and knelt down next to Hill, handing him a cube shaped crystal. Hill put it in one of his pants pockets before his radio flared to life.

"This is the UNSC Murphy. Any UNSC forces please respond. We have been engaged by alien ships and heavily damaged. We are abandoning ship and sending the life pods to Planet 13XA4. We request assistance. I repeat, this is the UNSC Murphy."

Hill looked at Dominguez and nodded. Hill tapped a couple of buttons on his mini computer and opened up a COM link with the UNSC Murphy.

"UNSC Murphy, this is ground force Zulu 7. Proceed to coordinates 9287372763 on planet 13XA4 for rendezvous. Over." Hill sat back waiting for a response.

"Zulu 7, UNSC Murphy. Coordinates confirmed, I am instructing all life pods to go there. Out."

"We'll have to come back here later", Hill said, "We have to go help the survivors and it's a good three hours hike from here. Let's get going." The three soldiers got up and cautiously exited the structure. Dominguez paused, "You wouldn't happen to know how to fly a Rena would you Corporal?"
"Unfortunately no. We could use those weapons they're equipped with too---" Jenkins paused looking at the strange glowing white ball that rolled into the middle of the three soldiers. Before any of them could react the ball exploded, knocking them all unconscious. The last thing Hill heard before he passed out was alien laughter.

I'll start giving the chapters names when i submit next time. i hope everyone is enjoying the story so far
